Municipality of Padilla

All the data of the municipality of Padilla, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Nueva Villa de Padilla, Barretal, or La Soledad.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Tamaulipas.

Which is my place if I live in Padilla?

Padilla is a Municipality of 14020 inhabitants, placed in the State of Tamaulipas, with a fertility rate of 2.83 children per woman. 6.73% of the population migrated from outside the State of Tamaulipas. 0.24% of the population is indigenous, 0.17% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

74.58% of the inhabitants of Padilla are Catholic, 48.22% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.59% are employed. Additionally, 96.24% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.71% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Padilla?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Padilla and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Padilla? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Padilla through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Padilla. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Padilla. As an example, you can find towns and places around Nueva Villa de Padilla.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Padilla

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Padilla:

Which is my place if I live in Padilla?

Abraham Klassen Peters (- inhabitants)
Alfonso López (- inhabitants)
Aloe el Tablero (8 inhabitants)
Alta Vista (- inhabitants)
Barretal (3082 inhabitants)
Campo Retama (- inhabitants)
Campoamor (146 inhabitants)
Campoamor (6 inhabitants)
Cinco de Mayo (153 inhabitants)
Conrado Castillo (138)
Conrado Castillo (135)
Cooperativa Pesquera Padilla (Colonia Pescadores) (9)
Cooperativa Pesquera Miraflores (-)
Corpus Christi (482)
La Floreña (2)
Doble F (-)
Don Diego (2)
Dos Hermanos (-)
El Alba (-)
El Azahar (-)
R. G. las Palmas (9)
El Bramadero (-)
El Chairel (-)
El Chapapote (Las Carretas) (2)
El Coralillo (-)
El Coyote (1)
El Coyote (El Olvido) (-)
El Divisadero (-)
El Encanto (Luis Mora) (2)
El Esfuerzo (Jesús Nava) (-)
El Estero (-)
El Estero Uno (1)
El Gallo (18)
El Gallo (-)
El Gorilón (2)
El Halcón (-)
El Jaibón (-)
Huerta El Kamulich (La Palma) (2)
El Lucero (5)
El Mezquite (-)
El Naranjo (4)
El Nivel (1)
El Paraíso Uno (-)
Los Robles (-)
El Porvenir (-)
El Reencuentro (-)
El Ruiseñor (-)
El Sabino (2)
El Salvador (-)
El Sargento (Campo el Sargento de Guerrero) (4)
El Siete (-)
Vicente Guerrero (El Tablero) (320)
El Tablero (4)
El Tejón 1 (4)
El Toro (1)
El Treinta y Cinco (-)
El Triángulo (-)
El Trueque (-)
El Tucán (-)
El Veinte (-)
Entronque San Carlos Kilómetro 64 (El Progreso) (-)
Erasmo Ruiz (-)
Faja de Oro (1)
Guadalupe (-)
Guadalupe López (2)
Hacienda Lago Guerrero (1)
Hostal de Guadalupe (12)
Hotel La Escondida (3)
Huerta de Limón [Huerta de Limón (1)
Ingeniero Ricardo Rodríguez (-)
Israel Gámez (-)
Jorge Karim González (4)
José López Portillo (126)
José Pérez (-)
José Silva Sánchez (251)
Kostal Paloma (-)
La Antena (1)
La Betina (-)
La Borbolla (-)
La Concepción (356)
La Empacadora (4)
La Espuela (-)
La Florida (-)
La Fortunela (-)
La Huerta (-)
Campo Pesquero La Isla (2)
La Leona (-)
La Mesa (-)
La Palma (4)
La Pitahaya (-)
La Presa (Jorge Bernal) (-)
La Roca (1)
La Soledad (552)
La Tortuga (1)
Las Águilas (3)
Las Conchas (5)
Las Generalas (1)
San Benito (-)
Las Margaritas (-)
Las Noventa (-)
Las Palomas (-)
Las Playas (-)
Las Tres Potrancas (4)
Las Vírgenes (Alejandro Esquivel) (-)
Las Vírgenes (17)
Las Vírgenes (Jesús Esquivel) (-)
Las Vírgenes (Juliana Esquivel) (1)
Lauro Castillo (2)
Leopoldo Anaya Flores (4)
Los Ángeles (Raúl Ruiz) (-)
Los Brasiles (273)
Los Cachorros (-)
Los Cascabeles (3)
Los Compadres (Federico Recalde Flores) (-)
Los Fresnos (-)
Los Laureles (2)
Los Pinos (El Sacrificio) (-)
Los Testarudos (1)
Louisiana (22)
Mahuiras (1)
Marabasco (-)
María González (-)
La Santísima (2)
Marte R. Gómez (392)
Noé Martínez (-)
Nueva Villa de Padilla (5531)
El Travieso (2)
Nuevo San Juan (122)
Nuevo San Manuel (-)
Ojo de Agua (1)
Palo Blanco (-)
Pedro Escobedo (-)
Pither Klassen Peters (4)
Plan de Ayala (323)
Plan de Ayala (5)
Quince de Febrero (253)
Raya del Sol (-)
Raya del Sol (Laura Tina) (1)
San Antonio (5)
San Carlos (La Compra) (-)
Colonia Agrícola San Carlos (7)
San Eduardo (La Promesa) (-)
San Felipe (4)
San Francisco (1)
San Francisco (2)
Cuatro Hermanos (-)
San José (-)
San Juan de la Generala (-)
San Martín (-)
San Patricio (384)
Santa Juana (357)
Santa María (5)
Santa Rita (3)
Santa Martha (-)
Tres Potrancas (-)
Doña Diana (4)
Tres Ríos (-)
Vicente Hernández (-)
Villa Náutica (-)
Yurisdiana Urdiales Guajardo (4)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Padilla:

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