Municipality of Escuinapa

All the data of the municipality of Escuinapa, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Escuinapa, Isla del Bosque, or Teacapan.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Sinaloa.

Which is my place if I live in Escuinapa?

Escuinapa is a Municipality of 54131 inhabitants, placed in the State of Sinaloa, with a fertility rate of 2.76 children per woman. 13.57% of the population migrated from outside the State of Sinaloa. 1.38% of the population is indigenous, 0.74% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.01% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

91.01% of the inhabitants of Escuinapa are Catholic, 50.66% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.61% are employed. Additionally, 63.74% of the dwellings have piped water and 13.19% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Escuinapa?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Escuinapa and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Escuinapa? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Escuinapa through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Escuinapa. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Escuinapa. As an example, you can find towns and places around Escuinapa.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Escuinapa

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Escuinapa:

Which is my place if I live in Escuinapa?

Acuícola Cristo Rey (4 inhabitants)
Agroproductos Díaz (- inhabitants)
Agua Blanca (- inhabitants)
Agua Caliente (13 inhabitants)
Agua Dulce (2 inhabitants)
Agua Dulce (Sitio de Pesca) (- inhabitants)
Antonio Barrón (6 inhabitants)
Apodaca [Apodaca (3 inhabitants)
Arroyo Grande (1 inhabitants)
Cachanilla (1)
Canacas (-)
Canelas (3)
Canutillo (-)
Casa Playa (-)
Celaya (400)
Centro Recreativo El Tobogán (3)
Chávez (-)
Chemo Lerma (-)
Club Gigantes (-)
Coacoyol (-)
Copales (482)
Cristo Rey (1969)
Cuatro Surcos (13)
Curva de Camichín (2)
Ejido de la Campana Número Uno (1204)
El Bacho (Los Sábalos) (11)
El Bejuco (-)
El Camarón (-)
Sitio de Pesca El Camichín (7)
El Capomo (2)
El Ebanito (4)
El Filito (-)
El Gacho (-)
El Huanacaxtle (-)
Ojo de Agua el Jijito (-)
Santiaguillo (7)
El Llano (-)
El Mareño (2)
El Mezcal (8)
Sitio de Pesca El Mezcal (1)
El Paraiso (-)
El Parche (7)
El Pentágono (3)
El Potrero (3)
El Rincón de los Caballos (15)
El Roble (-)
El Rodeo (-)
El Tecomate (-)
El Tecomate Escarbado (-)
El Tecomatillo (78)
El Trébol (466)
El Trébol Dos (160)
El Tule (La Cobacha) (94)
El Zarco (-)
Empaque FRUTICO (-)
Escuinapa de Hidalgo (33924)
Esin (-)
Rancho Eutiquio Aguilar Estación Guáguara (4)
Fraccionamiento Campestre las Lupitas (-)
Fraccionamiento Isla Paraíso (4)
Granja Acuícola Cimex (-)
Granja Alizbeth (-)
Granja Escuinapa (4)
Hacienda del Mango (5)
Horno de Manuel Cárdenas [Horno de Manuel Cárdenas (4)
Huancaxtle (Sitio de Pesca) (-)
Huerta Lalo (4)
Huerta Arroyo Grande (1)
Huerta el Gallo (5)
Huerta Quevedo (3)
Huertas Antonio Hass (-)
Isla del Bosque (8145)
Jarretadera (2)
La Atarjea (Los Salcidos) (1)
La Ausente (7)
La Campana Número Dos (El Pochote) (264)
La Capilla del Gallo (34)
La Ceiba (26)
La Ciénega (19)
La Concha (La Concepción) (1357)
La Estacada (11)
La Guanera (5)
La Guásima (-)
La Higuerita (6)
La Jarretadera (4)
La Jarretadera (9)
La Loma (Gabriel Leyva Solano) (377)
La Tambora (2)
La Treinta y Uno (Playa Ángel) (8)
La Verdolaga (Colonia Guadalupe) (13)
La Villita de Guadalupe (4)
La Villita de la Estación (27)
Las Pitahayas (-)
Las Cabras (-)
Las Cabras (-)
Las Dos Palmas Solas (5)
Las Higueras (-)
Las Higueritas (1)
Las Lomitas (-)
Las Minitas (-)
Las Mojarras (Isla de Potrerillos) (-)
Las Norias Cuatas (9)
Las Piedritas (3)
Las Pilas (157)
Loma de los Monos (Tecomatal) (-)
Los Ángeles (4)
Los Bedoyas [Los Bedoyas (2)
Los Cedros (-)
Los Corrales (-)
Los Gemelos (6)
Los Remos (-)
Los Sábalos (-)
Los Tres Aarones (1)
Ojo de Agua de Palmillas (2469)
Ojo de Agua del Huanacaxtle (-)
Palmito del Verde (1517)
Palos Altos de Arriba (3)
Papalota (-)
Pelón Raygoza [Pelón Raygoza (8)
Pericos (-)
Pilas de Estancia (17)
Playa Ángel (3)
Puente de Fierro (-)
Rancho Alegre (-)
Arroyo Grande (-)
Rancho San Gaspar (2)
Eolo (2)
Rancho Ganadero [Rancho Ganadero (2)
La Perseverancia (El Marli) (1)
Rancho Lupita (-)
Rancho Partida (1)
Rancho Rivera (3)
Revolución (13)
Rincón del Verde (268)
San Antonio (6)
San Antonio (-)
San Ángel (6)
San José (-)
San Juan (4)
San Juanito (-)
San Lorenzo (IQ) (-)
San Martín (5)
San Pancho (-)
San Miguel de la Atarjea (100)
San Ramón (-)
Santa Anita (5)
Cadenas (2)
Sitio de Cabildo (Los Hachotes) (-)
Teacapán (4598)
Tecualilla (1497)
Villa de Lomán (2)
Color Marino (-)
Rancho Ebenezer (3)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Escuinapa:

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