Municipality of Tamazunchale

All the data of the municipality of Tamazunchale, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Tamazunchale, Chapulhuacanito, or Tezapotla.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of San Luis Potosí.

Which is my place if I live in Tamazunchale?

Tamazunchale is a Municipality of 96820 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a fertility rate of 2.71 children per woman. 7.48% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 61.66% of the population is indigenous, 44.26% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 2.83% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

83.41% of the inhabitants of Tamazunchale are Catholic, 46.43% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.34% are employed. Additionally, 58.51% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.75% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Tamazunchale?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Tamazunchale and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Tamazunchale? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Tamazunchale through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Tamazunchale. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Tamazunchale. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tamazunchale.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tamazunchale

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Tamazunchale:

Which is my place if I live in Tamazunchale?

Acalamayo (147 inhabitants)
Achiquico (100 inhabitants)
Acuapich (Pixteyo) (47 inhabitants)
Aguazarca (2196 inhabitants)
Ahuátzatl (43 inhabitants)
Ahuehueyo (509 inhabitants)
Ahuehueyo (18 inhabitants)
Ahuehueyo (79 inhabitants)
Ahuimol (18 inhabitants)
Alfonso Luna (Cañas Viejas) (-)
Alfredo Barrera Franco (8)
Amatitla Santiago (358)
Amatitla Tamán (797)
Aquichamel (34)
Arroyo de los Patos (229)
Atehuac (266)
Atlajmolo (-)
Atlajque (601)
Axhumol (802)
Axoxohuil (Agua Verde) (39)
Balcón de Moctezuma (4)
Barrio Benito Juárez (712)
Barrio de Guadalupe (933)
Barrio el Encinal (El Maguey) (4)
Barrio la Cruz (28)
Barrio la Vega Cuixcuatitla (257)
Barrio las Palmas (237)
Barrio Progreso (540)
Barrio Progreso (108)
Barrio San José (-)
Barrio San José (7)
Barrio San Rafael (-)
Barrio San Rafael (El Sol) (15)
Barrio Tezilo Xilhuazo (60)
Buenavista (50)
Buenos Aires Retroceso (431)
Cacalacayo (148)
Cacateo (527)
Camarones (278)
Cantarranas (3)
Carbonera Coaquentla (13)
Carbonera San Francisco (79)
CARHS (88)
Cerro el Campanario (3)
Cerro Grande (427)
Cerro Grande Santiago (123)
Chapulhuacanito (3212)
Chichictla (68)
Chilocuil Tamán (1139)
Choteo (75)
Coahuica (97)
Coaxocotitla (671)
Cohapa (26)
Cojolapa (797)
Colonia Buenos Aires (-)
Colonia Doracely (41)
Colonia Nezahualcóyotl (494)
Comuntla (-)
Coxotla (214)
Coxtecapa (Lorenzo Hipólito Cortés) (4)
Coyol (Vega Larga) (501)
Cozapa (1)
Cuajapa Santiago (123)
Cuajapa Tamán (156)
Cuapacho (117)
Cuapilol (370)
Cuatolol (71)
Cuatzontitla (286)
Cuitlamecaco (119)
Cuixcuatitla (706)
Ecuatitla (188)
Edmundo Ortiz (-)
El Aquichal (-)
El Banco (San Francisco) (385)
El Carrizal (840)
El Centenario (-)
El Cerro (22)
El Chaparral (143)
El Clérigo (15)
El Coyol San Francisco (336)
El Encinal (213)
El Gavilán (128)
El Guayabal (20)
El Infiernillo (62)
El Jabalí (62)
El Laurel (369)
El Maguey (222)
El Mangal (2)
El Mirador (128)
El Naranjal (150)
El Nazareno (97)
El Palmillar (4)
El Palmito (877)
El Piñal (871)
El Platanito (318)
El Ranchito (302)
El Ranchito (El Bejucal) (11)
El Sastre (22)
El Tepetate (510)
El Vergel (-)
El Vigilante Ecológico (8)
Emiliano Zapata (296)
Encino Solo (313)
Enramaditas (579)
Rosalino Hernández Pérez (-)
El Amigo (4)
Félix Fernández Hernández (-)
Finca Los Borrados (1)
Fraccionamiento Loma Bonita Fovissste (-)
Fraccionamiento María Isabel (5)
Fraccionamiento Rosalba (-)
Guaxcuaco (616)
Huatepango (11)
Huazalingo (677)
Huazalingo (El Primer Tirón) (31)
Huichapa (231)
Ixteamel (933)
Ixtla (Ixtla Santiago) (576)
Ixtlapalaco (1007)
Ixtlapalaco (232)
Ixtlapalaco (-)
Jaltocán San Francisco (199)
Barrio del Carmen Altos (21)
Penitenciaría Centro de Readaptación Social (86)
José Cruz Antonio (3)
La Bandera (227)
La Ceiba (30)
La Cuchilla (556)
La Escondida (8)
La Fortuna (299)
La Hacienda (17)
La Joya (15)
La Laguna (402)
La Mera Ceiba (29)
La Peñita Santiago (86)
La Perlita (10)
La Pimienta (Lomas de Aguayo) (150)
La Providencia (60)
La Reforma (-)
La Reforma (El Lindero) (215)
La Y Griega (-)
Lalaxtzintla (86)
Las Amelias (3)
Las Cabañas (186)
Las Chacas (-)
Las Chacas (34)
Las Chachalacas (196)
Las Estacas (571)
Las Lomas (9)
Las Lomas (El Piñal) (109)
Las Margaritas (18)
Las Minas (Xicotla) (-)
Las Palmas (-)
Las Palomas (308)
La Gloria (Lienzo Charro) (4)
Limajyo (224)
Limatitla (228)
Loma Cuesta de los Monos (23)
Lomas de Buenavista Tamán (149)
Lomas de San Isidro (14)
Los Amigos (37)
Los Cerritos (120)
Los Lázaro (24)
Los Molina (1)
Los Naranjos Santiago (179)
Los Olivos (37)
Los Tamarindos (29)
Luis Donaldo Colosio (San José) (157)
Marcelino Ávila (-)
Mazatétl (510)
Mecachiquico (463)
Mecapala (241)
Mecatlán (873)
Mi Ranchito (97)
Mizquetla (8)
Monte Alegre (103)
Nicolás González Ramírez (San Rafael) (-)
Nueva Alianza (16)
Nuevo México (Roque Julián Santiago) (-)
Lomas de San Rafael Altos (4)
Paguayo (455)
Pahuayo (464)
Pahuayo San Miguel (218)
Palictla (415)
Papatlaco Santiago (526)
Payantla (345)
Pedro Benito Cervantes (13)
Pemucho (1102)
Pemuchtitla (127)
Pezmayo Santiago (162)
Pilchapulhuacán (79)
Poxantla (400)
Poxtla (203)
Quinta Chilla (60)
Rancho el Chijol (1)
Rancho el Huasteco (5)
Rancho Ixtlapalaco (Amador Rivera Ángeles) (-)
Rancho Javier Medina Las Palomas (2)
Rancho la Finca (32)
Rancho las Palomas (-)
Rancho Nuevo (580)
Rancho Quemado (184)
Rancho Santa Rita (12)
Rancho Santa Rosa (6)
Rancho Xalhueyac (7)
Río Claro (Las Adjuntas) (62)
Río Claro (Mauro Martínez) (-)
San Andres (88)
San Antonio (119)
San Carlos (11)
San Francisco (872)
San Isidro (64)
San Isidro (31)
San José Santiago (262)
San Miguelito (1)
San Pablo (10)
San Sebastián (99)
Santa Catalina (5)
Santa María Picula (955)
Santiago Centro (1052)
Santo Domingo (-)
Santos Leobardo (Tlacuilola) (10)
Sukiamel (161)
Tacial (688)
Tamacol (621)
Tamalcuatitla (15)
Tamazunchale (24258)
Tamazunchale (4)
Tamán (1348)
Tantoyuquita (164)
Taxicho (154)
Tecomate Dos (146)
Tecomate Uno (255)
Temacuil (224)
Temamatla (977)
Tencaxapa (50)
Tenexco (310)
Tenextipa (263)
Tensonapa (54)
Teozeloc (214)
Tepani (-)
Tepeticpa (120)
Tepetzintla (193)
Tepetzintla (-)
Tepetzintla (126)
Tepeyac (158)
Tequilillo (18)
Tetitla (768)
Tetlama (296)
Texochitl (119)
Texojol (415)
Texopis (214)
Tezapotla (2531)
Tezontla (618)
Tianguispicula (983)
Tierra Blanca (14)
Tierra Blanca (24)
Tilapa (113)
Tixcuayuca (576)
Tlachihualamel (65)
Tlachiquilyacapa (590)
Tlacuilola (1103)
Tlalixco (325)
Tlalnepantla (1877)
Tlalocuil (94)
Tlamaya Santiago (163)
Tlaxcala (379)
Tlazuapa (54)
Tolapa (Tolapa Tamán) (263)
Torojatl (124)
Totectitla los Ciruelos (266)
Valle Hermoso (2)
Vega Larga (597)
Xahualapa (5)
Xaltipa (571)
Xiatipa (49)
Xicotla (344)
Xicuilapa (41)
Xilhuazo (163)
Xiliapa (239)
Xinictle (259)
Xochiayo Santiago (104)
Xomoco (344)
Zanapa (Armando Ortega) (7)
Zapotitla (373)
Zopiloapa (142)
Zoquitipa (318)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Tamazunchale:

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