Municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Martín Chalchicuautla, Ocuiltzapoyo, or El Huayal.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of San Luis Potosí by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in San Martín Chalchicuautla?

San Martín Chalchicuautla is a Municipality of 21347 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a fertility rate of 3.48 children per woman. 8.25% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 59.68% of the population is indigenous, 47.84% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 3.53% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

82.03% of the inhabitants of San Martín Chalchicuautla are Catholic, 43.05% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.52% are employed. Additionally, 55.77% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.76% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla do most people live?

According to our statistics of San Martín Chalchicuautla, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Martín Chalchicuautla? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Martín Chalchicuautla through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Martín Chalchicuautla. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Martín Chalchicuautla.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla:

Which is my place if I live in San Martín Chalchicuautla?

Acatitla (94 inhabitants)
Acayo (250 inhabitants)
Aguacate Primero (77 inhabitants)
Aguacate Segundo (Anexo al Carrizo) (62 inhabitants)
Aguamolo (366 inhabitants)
Apaxtiantla (Apaxtiantlán) (62 inhabitants)
Aquichal (10 inhabitants)
Arroyo Cajón (2 inhabitants)
Atempa Primero (55 inhabitants)
Atempa Segundo (15)
Barranquillas (Tepetzintla) (316)
Barrio los Tlacuaches (Cuartel Primero) (22)
Bella Rita (7)
Buenavista (-)
Buenavista (Palmar Alto) (296)
Cañitas (7)
Callejones (27)
Casas Quemadas (-)
Caxuhualt (7)
Cebadilla (33)
Cerro (Cerro de la Cruz) (278)
Chachatipa (255)
Chalahuite (-)
Chiliatl (3)
Chupadero Dos (65)
Chupadero la Puerta (11)
Coamixco (81)
Coaxocoyo Dos (Lalaxtitla) (12)
Cojolite (-)
Coyolito (61)
Cruz Blanca (33)
Cuaguayote (43)
Cuartel Segundo (14)
Cuaxocoyo Uno Limontitla (138)
Domingo Zapoyo (389)
Dos Arbolitos (1)
Dos Rayas (2)
Ejido Domingo (109)
Ejido la Puerta (227)
Ejido Rancho Alegre (10)
El Aquiche (4)
El Arrozal (-)
El Basuche (50)
El Brasilar (1)
El Caballito (-)
El Camarón (38)
El Carrizo (299)
El Chaile (-)
El Chaparral (5)
El Ciruelo (13)
El Cuatro de Oros (La Peñuela) (5)
El Descanso (Ramón Jonguitud) (-)
El Encinal (Rancho Nuevo) (33)
El Escudo (La Goleta) (5)
El Espinal (-)
El Frijolillo (220)
El Guayabo (-)
El Higuito (179)
El Huayal (878)
El Jinete (Mesa Larga) (-)
El Jobo (34)
El Limón (Anexo a la Peñuela) (18)
El Mante (7)
El Mexicano (4)
El Mulato (-)
El Naranjal (-)
El Ojite (-)
El Pemuche Viejo (35)
El Porvenir (7)
El Potrero (330)
El Ranchito (50)
El Rayito (6)
El Rayo (6)
El Recreo (-)
El Refugio (-)
El Rinconcito (5)
El Rodeo (El Naranjo) (3)
El Rodeo de la Cruz (103)
El Sacrificio (116)
El Sacrificio (6)
El Saucito (15)
El Sinaí (El Mexicano) (6)
El Tenorio (-)
Rancho Don Alfonso (4)
El Zaino (18)
El Zapotalito (-)
Escuatitla (683)
Rancho la Noria (4)
Gabriel Zúñiga (La Puerta) (-)
Huatalco (3)
Ixpatlach (165)
Ixtepec (2)
Jacubal (33)
Jacube (Palma Sola) (-)
La Bodega Vieja (11)
La Cebadilla (Palma Sola) (-)
La Ceiba (36)
La Ceibita (18)
La Cruz (223)
La Cuchilla del Nopal (2)
La Esperanza (412)
El Siete Mares (-)
La Finca (2)
La Floreña (11)
La Fortaleza (4)
La Gema (14)
La Goleta de Adolfo Rivera (6)
La Goleta de Leobardo Azuara (-)
La Goleta de los Romero (4)
La Goleta de los Zúñiga (9)
La Goleta de Olga Argüelles (5)
La Granja (-)
La Labor (7)
La Lajuela (-)
La Loma (4)
La Mesa del Toro (138)
La Morita (La Palma) (-)
La Pasadita (11)
La Peñuela (56)
Rancho Tepehuaje (-)
La Pimienta (284)
La Soledad (261)
Lalaxo (312)
Las Acamayas (148)
Las Adjuntas (Adolfo Rivera) (-)
Las Adjuntas de Pedro Díaz (10)
Las Bugambilias (Ezequiel Ramírez) (-)
Las Dos Huastecas (Chilite) (3)
Las Espéridas (4)
Las Gavias (-)
Las Higueras (2)
Las Limas (14)
Las Lomas (9)
Las Mesitas (-)
Las Pilas (-)
Las Tareas (Las Tarellitas) (4)
Lindero (95)
Llano Grande (80)
Loma Bonita (3)
Loma la Cruz (Alejandro García Lara) (5)
Los Bordones (162)
Los Piñones (El Naranjal) (-)
Manantial (3)
Manantial (107)
Manchoc (709)
Matlapita (98)
Mesa de Chila (Mesa Blanca) (-)
Mesa de San Isidro (60)
Mesa del Flojo (114)
Mesa del Macho (115)
Mezquital (30)
Nuevo Ixtepec (Ejido Silva Nieto) (31)
Octlamecayo (232)
Ocuiltzapoyo (903)
Palmarejo (4)
Paso de las Yeguas (17)
Paso de los Toros (-)
Paso del Aguacate (11)
Paso del Aguacate (Tepetzintla) (3)
Pénjamo (-)
Pemuche (Ejido Nuevo) (254)
Piedra Parada (140)
Pitagio (351)
Poza Redonda (246)
Poza Rica (5)
Providencia (2)
Rancho Alegre (8)
Rancho Dos Arbolitos (10)
Rancho el Brasilar (12)
Rancho el Cepillo (-)
Rancho el Paraíso (6)
Rancho el Volantín (20)
Rancho Grande (2)
Rancho la Aurora (5)
Rancho la Mora (-)
Rancho Nuevo (227)
Rancho Nuevo (128)
Rancho San José (1)
Rancho Santa Lourdes (5)
Río Escondido (5)
Robles (3)
Sabinito (114)
San Antonio (-)
San Gabriel (8)
San Jerónimo (3)
San José de las Adjuntas (183)
San Luisito (167)
San Martín Chalchicuautla (2672)
San Martín Chalchicuautla (24)
San Miguel (-)
San Pedro (15)
San Pedro (5)
San Rafael (El Naranjo) (-)
Santa Carmelita (2)
Santa María (19)
Santa Mónica (-)
Santa Rita (3)
Santiago Santos Hernández (-)
Tacube (Palma Sola) (-)
Tahuache (10)
Tahuache Dos (5)
Tahuache Uno (-)
Taxicho (272)
Tecomala (58)
Tempexquite (El Mocho) (12)
Tempexquititla (359)
Tenexamel (120)
Tepemiche (288)
Tepetate (Rancho Nuevo) (152)
Tepetlayo (104)
Teponaxtla (18)
Terrerito (127)
Testerazo (Puente Cajón de Gatos) (-)
Texquico (-)
Tizatepec (-)
Tlaltepingo (83)
Totolteo (331)
Tototla (16)
Trapiche Viejo (78)
Tres Palmas (3)
Xalamatitla (98)
Zapotal (22)
Zapotito (28)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Martín Chalchicuautla:

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