Municipality of Aquismón

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Aquismón through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Tampate, Aquismón, or Tam cuime.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of San Luis Potosí by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Aquismón?

Aquismón is a Municipality of 47423 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a fertility rate of 3.27 children per woman. 2.95% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 79.31% of the population is indigenous, 72.39% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 11.96% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

89.17% of the inhabitants of Aquismón are Catholic, 45.38% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.11% are employed. Additionally, 48.03% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.25% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Aquismón do most people live?

According to our statistics of Aquismón, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Aquismón? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Aquismón through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Aquismón. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Aquismón. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tampate.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Aquismón

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Aquismón:

Which is my place if I live in Aquismón?

Agua Amarga (459 inhabitants)
Agua Bendita (- inhabitants)
Agua Nueva (19 inhabitants)
Al Tzabalte (21 inhabitants)
Alborada Primera (- inhabitants)
Alte Anam (La Banqueta) (50 inhabitants)
Aquismón (2174 inhabitants)
Aquismón (Porfirio Bolaños) (- inhabitants)
Colonia El Mirador (44 inhabitants)
Arroyo Grande (El Puente) (5)
Arroyo Zarco (-)
Barrio de Jolja (229)
Barrio de las Golondrinas (202)
Barrio el Chamal (172)
Barrio el Progreso (248)
Barrio la Cruz (820)
Barrio la Sagrada Familia (128)
Barrio Patnel (36)
Barrio San José (150)
Barrio San Miguel (377)
Camarones (147)
Carlos Mayorga (1)
Coyotes (Camarones) (16)
Cuache (14)
Cuetáb (263)
Cueva del Tiwi (Cueva de la Gavilucha) (9)
Rancho la Labor (-)
El Aguacate (1069)
El Aguacate (2)
El Encinal (-)
Alitzé (713)
El Bosque (3)
El Brasil (5)
El Caracol (41)
El Carrizo (-)
El Centavo (4)
El Chamal (5)
El Chilaf (33)
El Choy (4)
El Copoy (1)
El Corocito (6)
El Corozo (6)
El Corozo (4)
El Coyol (5)
El Jabalí (623)
El Limón (6)
El Maguey (-)
El Mirador (211)
El Nacimiento y su Anexo Fibracel II (23)
El Naranjito (486)
El Naranjito (Isaías López) (8)
El Otate (195)
El Pastor (-)
El Pemoche (45)
El Progreso (-)
El Respaldo (-)
El Rodeo (13)
El Rosario (413)
El Sabinal (37)
El Sabino (15)
El Sacrificio (Sección 26) (75)
El Sauz (4)
El Sauz (El Saucito) (489)
El Sauz (Saucito Viejo) (2)
El Túnel (114)
El Vergel (79)
El Volantín (230)
El Zopope (1328)
Estación Hidrométrica Gallinas (4)
Eureka (397)
Eureka Santa Barbara (12)
Hoya de la Luz (-)
Jactzén (6)
Jagüey Cercado (182)
Jol Mom (733)
Jomté Eureka (168)
Joya de las Vacas (190)
Joya de Papatla (-)
Joya del Limón (15)
Joya del Limón (María Gregoria Bautista) (3)
Joya del Nacimiento (-)
La Brecha (La Brecha de Tantzotzob) (241)
La Cañada (Los Corrales) (120)
La Caldera (1012)
La Ceiba (Los Corrales) (-)
La Cruz de Guadalupe (51)
La Cuchilla (416)
La Cueva (El Rezago) (7)
La Escondida (4)
La Esperanza (10)
La Garita Tambaque (114)
La Hierbabuena (Rancho San Antonio) (-)
La Ilusión (-)
La Laguna (11)
La Laja (147)
La Loma (7)
La Manteca (1)
La Mesa (128)
La Mesa (219)
Barrio la Mina (282)
La Mora (El Lindero) (27)
La Morena (323)
La Paloma (-)
La Peña (13)
La Peña Blanca (15)
La Reforma (1)
La Reforma (237)
La Soledad (207)
La Unión Catorce (-)
La Unión de Guadalupe (321)
La Yerbabuena (19)
Lanim (617)
Las Ánimas (123)
Las Vegas (1)
Lázaro Castillo (La Labor del Lienzo Charro) (-)
Linjá (543)
Loma Bonita (124)
Lorenzo Juárez Bueno (-)
Los Canelos (51)
Los Charcos (85)
Los Ciruelos (1)
Los Hornos (316)
Los Limones (-)
Los Lirios (1)
Los Orejones (Anexo Santa Martha) (8)
Los Otates (672)
Los Remedios (283)
Los Vidales (46)
Luis Gambino Heredia (46)
Manja (118)
Mantezulel (557)
Marcos Luis Santiago (Santa Anita) (-)
Santa Martha (57)
Múhuatl (764)
Mina de Belemont (126)
Moctezuma (453)
NCPE Santa Anita (13)
Octujub o Campeche (773)
Octzén (107)
Oxmolón (5)
Palo de Arco (351)
Paxaljá (1147)
Pedro Castillo Sánchez (El Volantín) (6)
Puente de Dios (Paso Alto) (4)
Puerto de Guaymas (297)
Puerto de Tantzotzob (322)
Puerto Tampete (1)
Puhuitzé (715)
Tantsajib (4)
Rancho Alegre (El Cañón) (21)
Rancho Bertita (2)
Rancho de Don Ramón Cervantes (-)
Rancho el Plan de Limón (-)
Rancho Japazum (4)
Rancho la Ilusión (5)
Rancho las Flores (1)
Rancho Loma Colorada (7)
Rancho los Riachuelos (-)
Rancho Nuevo (815)
Rancho Nuevo Tamalte (6)
Rancho San Francisco (-)
Rancho San Jorge (1)
Rancho San Jorge (-)
Rancho Santa Isabel (4)
Rancho Tres Potrillos (2)
Roberto Morales (2)
Salsipuedes (1)
San Francisco de Asís (220)
San Francisco (382)
San Isidro (593)
San José el Viejo (145)
San José Oija (132)
Sanjuanita (115)
San Martín (269)
San Pablo (8)
San Pedro de las Anonas (1284)
San Rafael Tamápatz (566)
San Rafael Tampaxal (406)
Santa Anita (409)
Santa Anita Dos (76)
Santa Bárbara (886)
Santa Cruz (99)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Rita (329)
Santa Rita (2)
Sierra Fría (60)
Tahuilatzén (324)
Tamápatz (991)
Tanchopol (267)
Tamcuem (612)
Tamcuime (2284)
Tampaxal (883)
Tampete (76)
Tampemoche (1787)
Tanchanaco (978)
Tamalte (6)
Tambaque (60)
Tampate (3366)
Tan Tzajib (169)
Tantzotzob (484)
Tanchachín (968)
Tangojo (131)
Tanquizul (302)
Tanute (1350)
Teotlanextli (1)
Ulush (El Nacimiento) (-)
Yerbabuena (204)
Zanja Prieta (Los Támez) (3)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Aquismón:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of San Luis Potosí