Municipality of Cozumel

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Cozumel through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Cozumel, Las Fincas, or Kilómetro Cuatro y Medio.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Quintana Roo by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Cozumel?

Cozumel is a Municipality of 79535 inhabitants, placed in the State of Quintana Roo, with a fertility rate of 1.93 children per woman. 49.33% of the population migrated from outside the State of Quintana Roo. 28.44% of the population is indigenous, 12.11% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.03% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

74.98% of the inhabitants of Cozumel are Catholic, 61.34% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.21% are employed. Additionally, 94.01% of the dwellings have piped water and 31.74% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Cozumel?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Cozumel and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Cozumel? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Cozumel through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Cozumel. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Cozumel. As an example, you can find towns and places around Cozumel.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Cozumel

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Cozumel:

Which is my place if I live in Cozumel?

Osio Meliporas (4 inhabitants)
Adrián Aguilar (- inhabitants)
Allegro Resort Cozumel (- inhabitants)
Almaluja (1 inhabitants)
Antonio Novelo (1 inhabitants)
Arturo Pavía (4 inhabitants)
Varadero (12 inhabitants)
Bosh Balam (5 inhabitants)
Nueva Esperanza (15 inhabitants)
Buenavista (7)
Bugambilias (1)
La Cabaña del Pescador (7)
Caleta (-)
Campeche (1)
Caribbean Queen (-)
Carlos Bustamante García (-)
Carlos Eduardo Gómez (13)
Casa de las Flores (-)
Casa Tunich (1)
Centro de Cría de Abejas (-)
Cerro Chumul (1)
César (2)
Chichihualco (12)
Club Salsa (-)
Colonia Reforma (-)
Country Club (-)
Cozumel (84519)
Cozumel (19)
Cozumeleño (-)
Cune Och (-)
Daniel Gamboa (3)
Daniel Guedea Casagne (-)
De los Santos (1)
San Gabriel (-)
Dos Arbolitos (-)
Dos Arbolitos (-)
Edilberto Sosa León (1)
Ejido Cozumel (2)
Ek Nah (2)
El Bosque (-)
El Cedral (55)
El Curvato (-)
El Gato (1)
Maya Luum (2)
El Mariachi (-)
El Naranjal (-)
El Pedregal de San Miguel (-)
El Pastorcito (2)
El Refugio (-)
El Refugio (13)
El Refugio (1)
El Regalo de Dios (-)
Elder Portillo (5)
Tres Marías (3)
Fausto Coral (1)
Froylán (-)
Gabriel y Gabriela (7)
Gallo de Oro (-)
Gastón Cantarell (-)
Gavilanes (1)
Glenda Vázquez (-)
González Solís (-)
Guadalupe del Carmen (1)
Héctor El Rincón (9)
Paradise Condominiums (4)
Huerto Familiar (152)
Iberostar (-)
Iguanas Ranas (2)
Quinta Vimar (2)
Isla de la Pasión (-)
Isla Maya (4)
Ix-Chel (-)
Javier Novelo Buenfil (1)
Jorge Humberto Gamboa (-)
Los Tres Regalos (7)
Jorge Pérez (-)
Zazil-Beh (-)
Juan Leyenda Trigo (10)
Katia Soto (4)
México Lindo (2)
San Fernando (505)
Hacienda Antigua (-)
Kilómetro Doce (2)
Kilómetro Ocho y Medio (-)
Kilómetro Ocho y Medio (5)
Kilómetro Tres (Los Barrera) (-)
Kilómetro 3.5 (7)
Kilómetro Doce Punto Cinco Villa Yak'alil (5)
Kin Ha (-)
La Amistad (3)
Mayan Bee (-)
La Esmeralda (-)
La Esperanza (13)
Don Ranulfo (-)
La Esperanza (434)
La Esperanza AC (16)
La Estrella (181)
La Estrella (-)
Los Garañones (3)
La Huerta (4)
La Ilusión (-)
La Media Luna (-)
La Princesa (5)
La Terquedad (1)
Laguna Ciega (1)
Las Fincas (1403)
Las Gemelas (-)
Las Glorias (16)
Las Palmeras (5)
Las Palmitas (1)
Las Perlitas (1)
Las Uvas (-)
Las Uvas (2)
Las Ventanas (-)
Linda Vista (4)
Lindavista (-)
Lolita Vega (-)
Lorenzo Campos (-)
Los Franco (-)
Aldea Isla Grande (2)
Los Laureles (-)
La Herradura (-)
Los Nueve Hermanos (-)
Los Pinos (8)
Los Pinos (-)
Luis Alcérreca (4)
Magdaleno Avilés (2)
Mape (-)
María Luisa (2)
La Milpa (2)
Mariposas (8)
Martha (4)
Mi Ranchito (-)
La Selva (10)
Nachi Cocom (1)
Nazario Uc Ciau (3)
Nojoch Suku'un (5)
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (5)
Casa Gordon (2)
Palapas Góngora (2)
Palmar (4)
Palmar Beach Club (2)
Palmar Primero (18)
Rancho Palmitas (2)
Pancho Tequila (-)
Paso María (2)
Ecoparque Cuzam (2)
Playa Bosh (1)
Presidente Intercontinental (-)
Pueblo Nuevo (11)
Punta Morena (2)
Radio Turquesa (2)
Ramonales (2)
Rancho Alegre (-)
Rancho Argüelles (2)
Rancho Cuatro Amores (1)
Rancho El Porvenir (3)
Rancho Enríquez (5)
Rancho Escondido (4)
Rancho Grande (-)
El Divino Niño Jesús (2)
Rancho Lulú (1)
Rancho Mayen (-)
Rancho Palomo (1)
Kilómetro Cuatro Punto Cinco (4)
Rancho Tamaulipas (2)
Rancho Tres Potros (2)
Residencial (1)
Residencias Reef (2)
Roberto Tzuc Poot (-)
Salgado (2)
San Agustín (-)
San Andrés (-)
San Anselmo (-)
San Anselmo (2)
San Antonio (1)
San Ángel (-)
San Bartolo (-)
San Benito (10)
San Bernardo (-)
San Carlos (4)
San Carlos (-)
San Carlos (6)
San Cipriano (-)
San Demetrio (-)
San Fernando (-)
San Gervasio (1)
San Isidro (13)
San Joaquín (-)
San Jorge (1)
San José (-)
Paloma Negra (5)
San Juan (-)
San Juan (4)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Lorenzo (-)
Garañones (-)
San Manuel (2)
San Miguel (1)
San Miguel (-)
San Miguel (8)
San Miguel Tercero (-)
San Nicolás (2)
San Patricio (-)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro (5)
San Ramón (-)
San Ramón (-)
Quinta la Bonita (22)
San Vicente (-)
Javier Escalante (-)
Sandoval (2)
Santa Cecilia (1)
Santa Magdalena (-)
María Magdalena (1)
Santa María (4)
Santa Rita (10)
Santa Rita (9)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresa (1)
Santa Teresa (29)
Santa Zitta (4)
Sol Estéreo (3)
Ubaldo Verde (-)
Universo (3)
Villa Caracoles (4)
Ranchitos (761)
Villa Dos (-)
Villa Mafi (2)
Villa Tikal (2)
Villas Cozumel (8)
The Money Bar Beach Club (-)
Villas Pavo Real (8)
Vivero Municipal (-)
Sunscape (-)
X-Kanha (2)
Xkaliahche (1)
Yumka (4)
Zona Industrial (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Cozumel:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Quintana Roo