Municipality of Hueytamalco

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Hueytamalco through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Hueytamalco, El Progreso, or Tenexate (Ejido Tenexate).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Puebla by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Hueytamalco?

Hueytamalco is a Municipality of 26689 inhabitants, placed in the State of Puebla, with a fertility rate of 2.83 children per woman. 10.38% of the population migrated from outside the State of Puebla. 14.10% of the population is indigenous, 6.22% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.04% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

92.21% of the inhabitants of Hueytamalco are Catholic, 48.13% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.30% are employed. Additionally, 82.48% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.87% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Hueytamalco do most people live?

According to our statistics of Hueytamalco, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Hueytamalco? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Hueytamalco through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Hueytamalco. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Hueytamalco. As an example, you can find towns and places around Hueytamalco.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Hueytamalco

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Hueytamalco:

Which is my place if I live in Hueytamalco?

5 de Julio (114 inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (43 inhabitants)
Altamira (Kilómetro 25) (- inhabitants)
Amatetel (655 inhabitants)
Arroyo Blanco (146 inhabitants)
Atehuetzin (669 inhabitants)
Atepetaco (92 inhabitants)
Ayahualo (514 inhabitants)
Beranga (1 inhabitants)
Cajonteno (4)
Cerro de Guadalupe (7)
Cerro Tajitepec (48)
Chagchal (-)
Chilornos (67)
Coapal Chico (26)
Coapal Grande (23)
Colihui (50)
Colonia 5 de Mayo (48)
Colonia del Valle (114)
Colonia la Virgen (354)
Colonia Morelos (230)
Conta (575)
Corral Viejo (146)
Coxtoc (-)
Cruz Alta (40)
Cruz Verde (29)
Cuatro Ciénegas (1)
Cuautoxca (-)
Dos Cerros (72)
Dos Ríos Nuevo (329)
Dos Ríos Viejo (53)
Ejido Hueytamalco (533)
El Anayal (253)
El Arenal (33)
El Canelo (2)
El Carmen (51)
El Chapopote (-)
El Chirrín (3)
El Edén (169)
El Maltrato (4)
El Mangal (95)
El Mirador (Mirador Tenexapa) (327)
El Mirador Mazolapa (-)
El Mixiate (1)
El Mohón (518)
El Palmar (10)
El Pimiental (85)
El Progreso (1347)
El Pueblillo (213)
El Reparo (102)
El Rincón (36)
El Rincón Paxta (-)
El Rosario (-)
El Sacrificio (6)
El Tigrero (2)
El Tular (11)
El Tumbo (1)
Hueytamalco (5900)
Hueytamalco (Papaloapan) (576)
Jabalinco (85)
La Carolina (1)
La Chaca (5)
La Cruz (147)
La Doña Margaritas (-)
La Esmeralda (49)
La Esperanza (Limonateno Chico) (169)
La Esperanza Tenexapa (49)
La Garita (288)
La Gloria Escondida (43)
La Junta (30)
La Línea (18)
La Llave (189)
La Morera (8)
El Espolón (3)
La Pochota (74)
La Reforma (118)
La Soledad (46)
La Sultana (33)
La Vereda (71)
Las Ánimas (-)
Las Canoas (5)
Las Margaritas (4)
Las Palmas (95)
Las Piedras (San Antonio las Piedras) (61)
Las Tumbas (-)
Limonateno (Limonateno Grande) (245)
Limontitán Chico (464)
Limontitán Grande (546)
Llagostera (418)
Loma Alta (180)
Loma Bonita (101)
Loma de las Flores (Predio la Citrícula) (31)
Lomas de Arena (173)
Los Anayos (-)
Los Cafetales (102)
Los Cedros (7)
Los Colorines (-)
Macuilquila (-)
Manlio Fabio Altamirano (243)
Mazolapa (154)
Mecapalco (51)
Mecatépetl (266)
Miquixco (75)
Montecelli (389)
Mozota (84)
Mozota (Mozota de Buenavista) (-)
Pahuatatempa (3)
Palenque (-)
Palmagtitán (192)
Palo Paxtle (-)
Paxta (243)
Pezmaco (9)
Pezmapa (32)
Plan de Guinea (32)
Plan de María (44)
Poma Rosa (4)
Poza Verde (7)
Praves (16)
Puente de Palo (106)
Rancho Viejo (207)
San Antonio (263)
San Antonio del Sol (99)
San Ángel (31)
San Ángel Cuauxocota (456)
San Camilo la Cañada (2)
San Carlos (148)
San Carlos (3)
San Ignacio (San Ignacio del Progreso) (181)
San Isidro Buenavista (38)
San Lucas (64)
San Luis (116)
San Luis (125)
San Martín (101)
San Miguel (-)
San Miguel de las Peñas (-)
San Nicolás (4)
San Pedro Margaritas (-)
San Rafael (Los Gatos) (6)
San Valentín (3)
Santa Cruz (12)
Santa Fe (37)
Santa Martha (-)
Santa Rosa (82)
Solórzano (278)
Soltepec (5)
Tacotalpa (454)
Tacuba (128)
Tebernales (44)
Tenexapa de Azueta (267)
Tenexate (Ejido Tenexate) (729)
Tenexate (Finca Tenexate) (3)
Tepactipan (292)
Tepozoteco (162)
Teteyahualco (457)
Tierra Colorada (Kilómetro 25) (28)
Tilapa (397)
Tilapa Chico (El Chorro) (58)
Tizizapa (-)
Tlacuilolapa (473)
Tonalmeyoco (227)
Torrecillas (Colón) (5)
Unidad Habitacional El Paraíso (135)
Valle Roncal (25)
Vega de Montecelli (El Aguilar) (152)
Villa del Río (-)
Vista Hermosa (165)
Xalteno (94)
Xontla (29)
Xoyoquila (58)
Zanzontla (101)
Zompanico (212)
Zompaquisoyan (Colihui) (108)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Hueytamalco:

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