Municipality of Santiago Yaveo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Santiago Yaveo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Juan Jaltepec, Francisco Villa, or La Trinidad.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Oaxaca by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Santiago Yaveo?

Santiago Yaveo is a Municipality of 6665 inhabitants, placed in the State of Oaxaca, with a fertility rate of 3.01 children per woman. 21.26% of the population migrated from outside the State of Oaxaca. 48.31% of the population is indigenous, 27.00% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.50% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

78.51% of the inhabitants of Santiago Yaveo are Catholic, 43.97% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.06% are employed. Additionally, 7.61% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.18% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Santiago Yaveo?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Santiago Yaveo and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Santiago Yaveo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Santiago Yaveo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Santiago Yaveo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Santiago Yaveo. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Juan Jaltepec.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Santiago Yaveo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Santiago Yaveo:

Which is my place if I live in Santiago Yaveo?

Agustín Pacheco (7 inhabitants)
Arroyo Arena (9 inhabitants)
Arroyo Café (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Chancarro (5 inhabitants)
Arroyo Malote (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Mazate (4 inhabitants)
Arroyo Piedra (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Zapata (26 inhabitants)
Atotonilco (- inhabitants)
Santa Rosa (36)
Barragán (2)
Barrio San Miguel (3)
Bella Vista (85)
Camino al Kinder (20)
Campo Nuevo (213)
Campo Quemado (44)
Canaima (8)
Casa Blanca (-)
Cerro de Gallo (Rancho de Concha) (-)
Cerro Zapata (-)
Chancueco (5)
Chapultepec (-)
Ciudad Perdida (-)
Colonia Crucero (-)
Copite (-)
Desviación a Santiago Yaveo (6)
Dolores Hidalgo (695)
Domingo Morales Vallejos (Santa Teresita) (6)
Rancho de Don Andrés (3)
Don Martín (3)
Doña Linda (1)
Dos Arbolitos (-)
Dos Hermanos (-)
El Amargoso (7)
El Apompo (-)
El Aserradero (-)
El Bejuco (5)
El Brillante (2)
El Cacao (-)
El Cafetal (5)
El Caimán (1)
El Canario (18)
El Cautivo (-)
El Cautivo (-)
La Yerba Buena (El Corona) (-)
El Coyolito (17)
El Coyolito (-)
El Diamante (3)
El Edén (11)
El Guajolote (-)
El Guajolote Dos (5)
El Jobo (4)
El Mango (11)
El Milagro (15)
El Mirador (-)
Rancho el Mirador (5)
El Moral (11)
El Naranjal (9)
El Oasis (7)
El Palmar (20)
El Palmar (-)
El Pókar (-)
El Progreso (-)
El Retiro (El Venado) (7)
El Rincón (3)
El Rubí (-)
El Sacrificio (4)
El Tamarindo (-)
El Triunfo (3)
Francisco I. Madero (128)
Francisco Villa (1310)
Guadalupe (-)
Guayabal (5)
Héctor Ramírez González (6)
Jesús Rico García (-)
Jonotal (3)
La Aurora (1)
La Candonga (-)
La Ceiba (15)
La Ceiba (El Mejoral) (3)
La China (3)
La Cruz (10)
La Esmeralda (3)
La Esperanza (3)
La Esperanza (6)
La Esperanza (6)
La Esperanza (3)
La Laguna (2)
La Fe (8)
La Fe (3)
La Feraz (4)
La Florida (42)
La Fortuna (2)
La Frontera (17)
La Ginebra (45)
La Guadalupe (8)
La Guadalupe (5)
La Incierta (-)
Rancho Las Llamas (8)
La Jacaranda (Los Framboyanes) (-)
La Joya (-)
La Lagunilla (-)
La Lana (5)
La Loma Naranjal (43)
La Lucha (3)
La Magdalena (3)
La Milpa (5)
La Montañita (El Baño) (9)
La Nueva Esperanza (-)
La Nueva Gardenia (-)
La Oaxaqueña (-)
La Orqueta (5)
La Orqueta Uno (-)
La Palma (3)
La Palma de la Esperanza (30)
La Paloma (2)
La Piedra (-)
La Playa (-)
La Selva (-)
La Soledad (3)
La Trinidad (713)
La Veracruzana (-)
La Victoria (-)
Lagunillas (5)
Las Adelitas (4)
Las Adelitas Dos (8)
Las Ánimas (Los Mangos) (13)
Las Carmelitas (-)
Las Conchas (7)
Las Delicias (3)
Las Flores (-)
Las Juntas (7)
Las Margaritas (Los Pinos) (7)
Tierra Quemada (8)
Llano Grande (90)
Loma Alta (6)
Los Capulines (-)
Los Coquitos (-)
Los Cuates (2)
Los Manantiales (20)
Los Mangos (20)
Los Reyes (Zapotitancillo Grande) (-)
Manantiales (7)
Miramar (3)
Nombre de Dios (-)
Unión de Hermanos (Las Adelitas) (10)
Nuevo Jalisco (2)
Nuevo Ocotlán (470)
Ocotlán (-)
Ojal de Otate (2)
Otate (-)
Palmira (6)
Pájaro Hondura (-)
Peña Blanca (-)
Plan de Mazate (-)
Pobreza (-)
Progreso (11)
Rancho El Mirador (-)
Rafael Rangel (El Retiro) (-)
Rancho Los Mangos (-)
Rancho Chepaluna (1)
Rancho Cotija (-)
Rancho de Manuel Esquinka (-)
Rancho El Encanto (1)
Rancho El Tiburón (1)
Rancho El Triángulo (5)
Rancho Grande (5)
Rancho Hermanos Ochoa Torres (-)
Rancho El Tepejilotal (-)
Rancho La Cruz (-)
Rancho La Encinera (3)
Rancho La Fe (-)
Rancho Micaela (14)
Rancho Miguel Castillo (11)
Rancho Ramón Garrido Pimentel (2)
Rancho San Carlos (4)
Rancho San Isidro Arroyo Baras Prietas (5)
Rancho San Luis (-)
Rancho San Luis (-)
Rancho San Vicente (-)
Rancho Santa Rita (2)
Los Tres Cañafístulas (2)
Tlapojahua (3)
San Alfonso (-)
San Antonio (-)
San Carlos (1)
San Cristóbal (-)
San Diego (-)
San Diego (-)
San Francisco (-)
San José (-)
San José (-)
San Juan Jaltepec (1176)
San Marcos (3)
San Martín (Los Manguitos) (-)
San Miguel (5)
San Pedro (6)
San Simón (11)
Finca San José (6)
Santa Cecilia (174)
Santa Clara (Nueva Esperanza) (2)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Cruz (7)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Elena (6)
Santa Elisa (Arroyo Varas Prietas) (-)
Santa Emma (5)
Santa Úrsula (13)
Santa Fe (6)
Santa Fe (Los Charros) (3)
Santa María Yaveo (413)
Santa Rita (-)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santiago Yaveo (738)
Tamazula de Torres (Las Perlitas) (-)
Tierra Nueva (13)
Tierra Quemada (3)
Tito Rico (6)
Varas Prietas (4)
Villa de Torres (2)
Vista Hermosa (5)
Yaveo (-)
Zapotitancillo de Juárez (388)