Municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Matías Romero Avendaño, Palomares, or Donají.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Oaxaca by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Matías Romero Avendaño?

Matías Romero Avendaño is a Municipality of 38019 inhabitants, placed in the State of Oaxaca, with a fertility rate of 2.60 children per woman. 13.22% of the population migrated from outside the State of Oaxaca. 26.38% of the population is indigenous, 13.54% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.30% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

61.82% of the inhabitants of Matías Romero Avendaño are Catholic, 47.16% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.81% are employed. Additionally, 59.61% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.96% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño do most people live?

According to our statistics of Matías Romero Avendaño, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Matías Romero Avendaño? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Matías Romero Avendaño through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Matías Romero Avendaño. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño. As an example, you can find towns and places around Matías Romero Avendaño.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño:

Which is my place if I live in Matías Romero Avendaño?

Altamira (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Azul (79 inhabitants)
Arroyo Seco (3 inhabitants)
Barrancones (158 inhabitants)
Barrio Nuevo (1078 inhabitants)
Buena Vista (- inhabitants)
Buena Vista Dos Hermanos (- inhabitants)
Casa Blanca (4 inhabitants)
Chayotillo (8 inhabitants)
Chayotillo Primero (8)
Chayotillo Segundo (Rancho Froylán Muñiz) (11)
Cirilo Méndez (7)
Colonia Agrícola Ganadera Progreso (El Lirio) (59)
Colonia Cuauhtémoc (49)
Colonia Edith Constantino Carmona (22)
Colonia Emiliano Zapata (94)
Colonia Gabriel Ramos Millán (237)
Colonia Libertad (234)
Colonia Odisea (45)
Cuatro Caminos (40)
Cuauhtémoc (2505)
David Colmenero (-)
Desviación Brena Torres (8)
Doce de Julio (-)
Donají (2297)
Dos Efes (15)
Ejido Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano (26)
Ejido Piedra Blanca (-)
El Aserradero (-)
El Chamizal (-)
El Columpio (-)
El Corte (-)
El Ensueño (2)
El Gavilán (6)
El Limón (2)
El Llanito (14)
El Manantial (3)
El Mirador (7)
El Moro (-)
El Naranjal (-)
El Naranjo (2)
El Paguital (40)
El Paraíso (283)
El Paso de las Maravillas (294)
El Platanillo (15)
El Ponedero (6)
El Porvenir (25)
El Remolino (4)
El Retiro (3)
Rancho El Retiro (5)
El Roble (El Portillo) (7)
El Sacrificio (6)
El Suriano (11)
El Talismán (4)
El Tamarindo (-)
El Tamarindo (4)
El Tarasco (1)
El Tortuguero (Rancho Eréndira) (-)
El Tucán (4)
El Venadito (-)
Foresta (El Aserradero) (11)
Fracción el Manantial (Finca el Ubero) (2)
Francisco Javier Jasso (506)
Guetagana (-)
Juno (268)
Rancho La Aurora (10)
La Cascada (Puente el Límite) (-)
La Cascarilla (1)
La Ceiba (10)
La Chiclosa (3)
La Colina de Sión (3)
La Cumbre (342)
La Escuadra (7)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (6)
La Gloria (28)
La Herradura (-)
La Joya (3)
La Lagunita (15)
La Nueva Esperanza (175)
La Oaxaqueña (8)
La Palmita (33)
La Pasada (-)
La Pava (-)
La Puerta (6)
La Soledad (-)
La Victoria (583)
La Viuda Benítez (Rancho de la Viuda Benítez) (-)
Las Cañas (-)
Las Cruces (-)
Las Flores (512)
Comunidad Las Flores (2)
Las Higueras (2)
Las Hormigas (3)
Las Jacarandas (3)
Las Milpas (7)
Las Palmitas (-)
Las Vegas (13)
Lázaro Cárdenas (-)
Linda Vista (13)
Los Ángeles (1199)
Los Gómez (3)
Los Limonares (5)
Los Potrillos (-)
Marisela (7)
Martínez de la Torre (155)
Matías Romero Avendaño (17525)
Media Luna (1)
Monte Bello (-)
Monte Fiel (-)
Monte los Tucanes (4)
Monte Oscuro (35)
Nuevo Paraje (5)
Nuevo Progreso (811)
Nuevo Ubero (427)
Paisanos Atitlán (1)
Palomares (4302)
Paso del Buque (El Bañadero) (3)
Paso Guayabo (151)
Peña Blanca (8)
Playa Varela (-)
Profesor Otilio Montaño (479)
Rancho Alaska (4)
Rancho Alegre (7)
Rancho Bonifacio Franco (-)
Rancho Doce Chica (5)
Piedras Negras (17)
Rancho Elba (6)
Rancho Escondido (Sector Seis) (-)
Rancho Fausto García (-)
Rancho Félix Maldonado (-)
Rancho Juan Romero (7)
Rancho La Aurora (Desviación Suchilapan) (-)
Rancho La Llorona (22)
Rancho La Morucha (-)
Rancho Leticia (4)
Rancho Mayra (2)
Rancho Monte Calvario (Rancho Ombligo) (10)
Rancho Nereyda Toribio Antonio (8)
Rancho Nuevo (161)
Rancho Ponce (Los Arrayanes) (1)
Rancho Prieto (6)
Rancho Primaveral (-)
Rancho Roque (5)
Rancho San Carlos (-)
Rancho San Manuel (5)
Rancho Seco (3)
Rancho Soñador (7)
Rancho Soledad (10)
Rancho Veracruz (6)
Río Escondido (-)
Río Verde (35)
San Antonio (-)
San Gabriel (251)
San Isidro (-)
San Isidro (Fracción del Rancho Elba) (3)
San Juan del Río (477)
San Miguel (10)
San Pablo (1)
San Pedro (5)
San Pedro Evangelista (659)
Santa Clara (3)
Siete Hermanos (5)
Tierra Nueva (-)
Tolosita (758)
Tres Espigas (2)
Ubero (190)
Vista Hermosa (51)
Vitela (Predio Visuriki) (6)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Matías Romero Avendaño: