Municipality of Santa María del Oro

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Santa María del Oro through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Santa María del Oro, La Labor, or Colonia el Ahualamo (El Ahualamo).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Nayarit by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Santa María del Oro?

Santa María del Oro is a Municipality of 22412 inhabitants, placed in the State of Nayarit, with a fertility rate of 2.95 children per woman. 10.28% of the population migrated from outside the State of Nayarit. 8.78% of the population is indigenous, 6.56% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.04% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

91.24% of the inhabitants of Santa María del Oro are Catholic, 47.61% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.78% are employed. Additionally, 94.15% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.55% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Santa María del Oro?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Santa María del Oro and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Santa María del Oro? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Santa María del Oro through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Santa María del Oro. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Santa María del Oro. As an example, you can find towns and places around Santa María del Oro.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Santa María del Oro

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Santa María del Oro:

Which is my place if I live in Santa María del Oro?

Acatitán (6 inhabitants)
Agua Blanca (3 inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (La Mesa) (3 inhabitants)
Aguacatera Calimayo (1 inhabitants)
Antonio Guerrero (- inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (- inhabitants)
Arroyo del Colgado (8 inhabitants)
Buckingham (551 inhabitants)
Buckingham Viejo (9 inhabitants)
Cablotán (6)
Calimayo (El Arrastradero) (-)
Camino Real de los Arrieros (7)
Cerro Blanco (807)
Chapalilla (1372)
Cofradía de Acuitapilco (509)
Colonia el Ahualamo (2189)
Colonia Moderna (893)
Crucero el Cajón (2)
Crucero de Santa María del Oro (2)
Crucero de Tetitlán (5)
Crucero el Limón (4)
Crucero Viejo (El Gorupo) (-)
El Borrego (11)
El Bosque (3)
El Buruato (568)
El Capulín (2)
El Caracol (69)
El Cerrito (2)
El Charco (3)
El Chino (-)
El Colomito (-)
El Colorado (15)
El Colorado (-)
El Comedero (6)
El Crucero del Buruato (10)
El Ermitaño (273)
El Espino (5)
El Gavilán (-)
El Guanacaste (306)
El Guayabito (5)
El Limón (771)
El Limoncito (-)
El Mirador (23)
El Molino (13)
El Molino (21)
El Nogal (-)
El Ocotillo (88)
El Peinecillo (-)
El Polvorín (17)
El Pozo (2)
Los Sabinos (2)
El Salto (-)
El Seminario (-)
El Tepehuaje (-)
El Tezontle (4)
El Torreón (178)
Francisco Hernández (-)
Granja Porcina Cerro Blanco (-)
Granja Porcina Los Hernández (3)
Huerta Vieja (2)
Ixtapa (10)
Jacarandas (4)
Jazmines (6)
Jocota (Las de Amolar) (3)
Joél Jiménez Montes (1)
La Agüita (15)
La Brea (7)
La Bulera (-)
La Cangrejera (7)
La Carbonera (2)
La Ciénega (La Guasimera) (10)
La Estanzuela (107)
La Galinda (178)
La Hiedra (-)
La Higuera (-)
La Higuerita (1)
La Huerta (-)
La Huerta del Aguacatito (-)
La Ixcuintla (El Fresno) (6)
La Jarilla (1)
La Labor (3141)
La Laguna (155)
La Lobera (5)
La Loma (-)
La Loma (2)
La Majada de Tía Cleta (-)
La Mesa (1)
La Mesa de las Yeguas (111)
La Mojonera (12)
La Mojonera (8)
La Palma (4)
La Querencia (2)
La Rinconada (La Noria) (-)
Restaurant La Sierra (3)
Lagunitas (1)
Las Cabañas (2)
Las Cruces (-)
Las Cuevas (405)
Las Higueras (3)
Las Huertitas (4)
Las Lomas Dos (6)
Las Lomas Uno (2)
Las Mesitas (114)
Las Piedras Cargadas (13)
Las Rosillas (El Naranjo) (-)
Las Yeguas (5)
Limoncito (-)
Loma del Bajío (11)
Los Arrayanes (-)
Los Arrieros (10)
Los Cantiles (-)
Granja Avícola Los Cuervitos (-)
Los Guajes (60)
Los Guayabitos (4)
Los Horcones (42)
Los Horcones (-)
Los Limones (11)
Los Zanjones (-)
Manguito (-)
Manuel Rojas Valdivia (1)
Miguel Hidalgo (488)
Mojarritas (2)
Monte los Cuartos (El Descanso) (5)
Ahuapán (8)
Ocotera China (8)
Palmillas (-)
Paraíso Escondido (2)
Paso de Lozada (-)
Avestruces (-)
Picachos (La Tepamera) (2)
Piedra Gorda (6)
Piedra Gorda (5)
Platanitos (153)
Potrero el Marrano (18)
Rancho Don Andrés (2)
Rancho Don Vicente (4)
El Cuartito (-)
Rancho El Naranjo (1)
Rancho El Refugio (2)
Rancho GHR (1)
Rancho Las Amazonas (3)
Los Tres Amigos (-)
Rancho María Bonita (4)
Rancho Viges (6)
Real de Acuitapilco (Esteban Baca Calderón) (438)
Rincón de Calimayo (250)
Salsipuedes (9)
San Gregorio (3)
San José de Mojarras (1674)
San Juanito (-)
San Leonel (753)
Santa Bárbara (3)
Santa María del Oro (5343)
Santa Mónica (3)
Alfonso Macias (-)
Santos Montalvo Espinoza (11)
Tatepozco (11)
Tequepexpan (1363)
Tintilagua (2)
Zapotanito (1053)

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