Municipality of Maravatío

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Maravatío through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Maravatío de Ocampo, Tungareo, or Santiago Puriatzícuaro.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Michoacán de Ocampo by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Maravatío?

Maravatío is a Municipality of 80258 inhabitants, placed in the State of Michoacán de Ocampo, with a fertility rate of 2.89 children per woman. 10.02% of the population migrated from outside the State of Michoacán de Ocampo. 0.55% of the population is indigenous, 0.23% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.67% of the inhabitants of Maravatío are Catholic, 46.74% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.31% are employed. Additionally, 85.71% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.25% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Maravatío do most people live?

According to our statistics of Maravatío, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Maravatío? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Maravatío through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Maravatío. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Maravatío. As an example, you can find towns and places around Maravatío de Ocampo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Maravatío

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Maravatío:

Which is my place if I live in Maravatío?

Agua Dulce (28 inhabitants)
Agua Rosada (113 inhabitants)
Apeo (2124 inhabitants)
Barrio de San Miguel (396 inhabitants)
Bordo Nuevo (9 inhabitants)
Campo Hermoso (830 inhabitants)
Casa Blanca (1004 inhabitants)
Cebadillas (176 inhabitants)
Cebadillas Corral Falso (236 inhabitants)
Cebadillas Primeras (132)
Cebadillas Segundas (395)
Cerrito de la Cruz (-)
Cerro Azul (45)
Cliserio Villafuerte el Chico (227)
Cliserio Villafuerte el Grande (171)
Colonia General Felipe Ángeles (39)
Colonia Guadalupe (396)
Colonia Huandishi (Las Chinches) (601)
Colonia Valle Dorado (-)
Colonia Yurécuaro (844)
Congregación Las Pomas (207)
Corral Blanco (2)
Corral de las Ardillas (-)
Cuartel Quinto (541)
Ejido Jesús del Monte (217)
El Aguaje (Cuartel Aguaje) (55)
El Bordo (Los Carrillos) (16)
El Botín (52)
El Campamento (-)
El Centenario (100)
El Chupadero (San Miguel Chupadero) (206)
El Colorado (444)
El Fresnal (33)
El Fresnito (24)
El Gigante (789)
El Gigantito (270)
El Granjeno (-)
El Jagüey (200)
El Manzano (224)
El Mirador (-)
El Moral (304)
El Pedregal (219)
El Puerto (151)
El Salitre (49)
El Salto (La Hacienda) (4)
El Saucillo Primero (392)
El Tejero (607)
El Tejocote (235)
El Tejocote (Presa Quebrada) (374)
El Terrero (99)
El Zapote (Palo Seco) (95)
Encinillas (440)
Estancia de Paquisihuato (228)
Estancia de San Miguel (El Capulín) (503)
Estancia de Santa Elena (294)
Ex-Hacienda Santa Elena (7)
Ex-Hacienda de Guapamacátaro (90)
Fraccionamiento El Naranjo (17)
Fraccionamiento Lomas de Maruati (195)
Fraccionamiento los Ocotes (-)
Guapamacátaro (524)
Huajumbarito (331)
Huanimoro (293)
Huaraqueo (389)
Jesús del Monte (83)
Joyas del Pilar (64)
Kilómetro Cuatro (-)
La Coyota (273)
La Cuenca (19)
La Granja (189)
La Hormiga (102)
La Huerta (547)
La Lagunilla (43)
Colonia las Arenas (La Lagunita) (-)
La Laja (36)
La Laja (120)
La Mesa Chiquita (Las Mesitas) (82)
La Mojonera (-)
La Mora (66)
La Nopalera (242)
La Presita (12)
La Tuna Mansa (47)
La Virgen (-)
Ejido Pozo de Tres Piedras Laguna Seca (129)
Lagunillas (55)
Las Cajas (18)
Las Joyas (157)
Las Mesas (183)
Las Palomas (316)
Llano Grande (663)
Lomas del Valle (21)
Loma de la Rosa (Torre del Jaral) (617)
Loma de San Miguel (14)
Loma del Gallo (265)
Los Bancos (115)
Ejido los Ocotes Los Ocotes (131)
Los Olivos (214)
Los Talayotes (8)
Maravatío de Ocampo (39425)
Maravatío el Alto (-)
Melchor Ocampo (384)
Mesa del León (226)
Mina de San Vidal (189)
Ojo de Agua (80)
Palomas (La Presita) (4)
Peña Blanca (129)
Peña Blanca Pequeña Propiedad (64)
Plan de Agua Bendita (9)
Ejido de Pomas (Poblado de Dolores) (651)
Pomoca (285)
Pomoquita (853)
Pueblo Nuevo (376)
Puente de Palos (8)
Puente Santa Eugenia (21)
Ranchería la Guaracha (24)
San Lorenzo (194)
Rincón de Huaraqueo (161)
Rosa Amarilla (187)
San Cristóbal de las Piedras (16)
San Isidrito (27)
San Isidro (568)
San José del Fresno (73)
San José del Rodeo (456)
San Juan Buenavista (289)
San Juan Guaracha (-)
San Juanito (42)
San Miguel Curinhuato (922)
San Miguel el Alto (El Puerto) (567)
San Nicolasito (510)
San Ramón (741)
San Vicente el Grande (San Vicente) (778)
Sandi (116)
Santa Ana (Cuartel Segundo) (538)
Santa Cruz (67)
Santa Cruz (Rancho Viejo) (166)
Santa Elena (2313)
Santa Mónica (479)
Santa Rita (21)
Santa Rosa (572)
Santiago Puriatzícuaro (4005)
Santo Niño (Santa Ana) (75)
Sianca (65)
Tecario Jesús del Monte (204)
Tenerías (404)
Toluquilla (163)
Torre Blanca (Guapamacátaro) (375)
Tungareo (5484)
Tupátaro (-)
Tziritzícuaro (Nativitas) (1743)
Uripitio (1719)
Yurécuaro (San Juan Yurécuaro) (726)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Maravatío:

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