Municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as , , or .

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Which is my place if I live in San Ignacio Cerro Gordo?

San Ignacio Cerro Gordo is a Municipality of 28263 inhabitants, placed in the State of Jalisco, with a fertility rate of 2.08 children per woman. 50.63% of the population migrated from outside the State of Jalisco. 53.69% of the population is indigenous, 37.71% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 4.36% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

60.73% of the inhabitants of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo are Catholic, 59.01% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.86% are employed. Additionally, 87.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 15.96% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo do most people live?

According to our statistics of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Ignacio Cerro Gordo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo. As an example, you can find towns and places around .

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo:

Which is my place if I live in San Ignacio Cerro Gordo?

Akiin (- inhabitants)
Akumal Beach Resorts (- inhabitants)
Alebrijes (- inhabitants)
Aluxes (1 inhabitants)
Antonio Pool (3 inhabitants)
Helimar (- inhabitants)
Aventuras Akumal (15 inhabitants)
Azúcar (- inhabitants)
Bahía Xamach (- inhabitants)
Balam Canché (5)
Balam Luum (11)
Bellavista (33)
Boca de Leones (San Fernando) (22)
Cabañas Tulum (-)
Caleta Tankah (1)
Campamento SCT (-)
Casa de los Pelícanos (4)
Casa del Niño (-)
Casa Enrique (-)
Casa Godi (-)
Casa Tucán (-)
Cenote Calavera (7)
Cenote Kape-Ha (-)
Cerro Gordo (385)
Chan Chemuyil (127)
Chávez Camping (-)
Cibal-Yumtzil (-)
Colonia la Esperanza (114)
Colorado (-)
Colorines (14)
Doña Leonor (2)
Dos Ojos (-)
Dos Ojos (-)
Dos Palmas (32)
Dreams Tulum (-)
El Abadejo (-)
El Alto (El Alto de Pastores) (120)
El Álamo (1)
El Árbol (-)
El Bordo (45)
El Bordo (1)
El Casco (28)
El Codito (72)
El Hongo (18)
El Jaguar (-)
El Lagunero (6)
El Maguey (-)
El Manantial (-)
El Mezquite (24)
El Mirador (-)
El Ocote (La Loma) (212)
El Palomar (7)
El Paraíso (3)
El Pedregal (2)
El Pequeño Paraíso (34)
El Plan de las Gallinas (Loma de Orozco) (56)
El Pueblito (12)
El Ranchillo (25)
El Refugio (17)
El Regladero (Los Tanques) (7)
El Retiro (-)
El Salero (42)
El Saucito (134)
El Teterete (1)
El Tortillero (16)
El Viborero (285)
Hotel Ahau (-)
Estrella Sol y Luna (-)
Francisco Uh May (1288)
Gran Bahía Príncipe (29)
Higuerillas (143)
Hombre de Piedra (-)
Houston (2)
India Blanca (19)
Ixchel (-)
Jade (-)
Jaquetas (106)
Jorge Portilla Manica (2)
Kaape Ha (4)
La Ceiba (45)
La Barranca (7)
La Calzada (24)
La Capacha (10)
La Casa de las Mariposas (6)
La Ceiba (-)
La Consentida (-)
La Esperanza (-)
La Guadalupana (-)
La Hamaca Loca (-)
La Herencia (-)
La Iguana (3)
La Ladrillera (62)
La Ley del Monte (-)
La Loma de los Amoles (Loma de San Pedro) (218)
La Lunita (-)
La Malilla (7)
La Parada de Arriba (-)
La Providencia (30)
La Teresita (2)
La Tortuga (6)
La Trinidad (689)
La Vía Láctea (-)
La Virgencita (El Pueblito) (271)
Laguna Madera (-)
Las Amarantas (4)
Las Ánimas (24)
Las Chachalacas (-)
Las Cruces (12)
Las Dos Hermanas (18)
Las Dos Luces (6)
Las Galeras (22)
Las Huertas (4)
Las Palomas (-)
Las Trojes (22)
Las Villas Akumal (-)
Le Hoxuul Haltun (-)
Lol Beh (2)
Loma Alta (138)
Los Adobes (2)
Los Arrecifes (-)
Los Capulines (-)
Los Coyotes (235)
Los Delfines (Xamach Uno) (-)
Los Dolores (903)
Los Gatos Negros (4)
Los Jaguares (-)
Luna y las Estrellas (-)
Maya Art (-)
Maya Tadeo (-)
Mi Lu'um (-)
Kirabo (6)
Nuevo (-)
Pablo Ramos (-)
Palenque (486)
Casa Amparo (4)
Paso Lágrimas (-)
Pastores (56)
Pedro Paila (3)
Pesca Maya (2)
Pino Suárez (-)
Playa Manatí (4)
Playa Morena de Mar (-)
Playa Xkanan (-)
Presa de Barajas (242)
Presa de Barajas (El Crucero de Arandas) (178)
Quinta el Paseo (138)
Rancho Mariposa (1)
Rescate Malix (-)
Sacamecate (304)
Samasati (-)
San Antonio (6)
San Antonio (17)
San Ignacio Cerro Gordo (10521)
San José (1)
San Juan (3)
San Judas Tadeo (-)
San Nazarén (16)
San Vicente (300)
Santa Ana (64)
Santa Cruz (-)
Alfa y Mega (16)
Los Agaves (-)
Santa Rita (13)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santo Domingo (1)
Shamicala Petit (-)
Xo Ki (-)
T. Cañón (-)
Tankah Pueblo (-)
Tankah Uno (-)
Terrero Chico (41)
Terrero Grande (11)
Tres Hermanos (Emilio) (-)
Tres Palos (39)
Tres Vírgenes (14)
Tuna de Abajo (San Pascual) (290)
Tuna de Arriba (62)
Tuna de Enmedio (26)
Vivero Jardín (7)
Vivero Ranitas (1)
Xi-Cho (-)
Zhunaan Ha (-)

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