Municipality of Zimapán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Zimapán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Zimapán, Lázaro Cárdenas (Remedios), or Álvaro Obregón (Temuthe).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Hidalgo by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Zimapán?

Zimapán is a Municipality of 38516 inhabitants, placed in the State of Hidalgo, with a fertility rate of 2.75 children per woman. 8.90% of the population migrated from outside the State of Hidalgo. 19.17% of the population is indigenous, 9.64% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.10% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

85.78% of the inhabitants of Zimapán are Catholic, 42.48% are economically active and, within this active population, 91.45% are employed. Additionally, 70.27% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.86% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Zimapán?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Zimapán and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Zimapán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Zimapán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Zimapán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Zimapán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Zimapán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Zimapán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Zimapán:

Which is my place if I live in Zimapán?

Aguas Blancas (374 inhabitants)
Apezco (188 inhabitants)
Álvaro Obregón (Temuthe) (1020 inhabitants)
Barrón (142 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (Detzani) (842 inhabitants)
Boñhú (98 inhabitants)
Botha (34 inhabitants)
Bothiña (23 inhabitants)
Buenavista (10 inhabitants)
Cajay (12)
Camposanto del Oro (207)
Cazay (15)
Cerro Colorado (106)
Changui (18)
Coaxithi (148)
Cobrecito (200)
Codornices (35)
Cruz Pinta (303)
Cuesta Blanca (99)
Cuesta Texquedhó (76)
Doxthí (100)
Doxthi la Sabina (La Sabina) (219)
Durango (483)
Ejido de la Cruz (9)
Ejido Vicente Guerrero (Los Potreros) (94)
El Aguacatal (120)
El Aguacatito (223)
El Álamo (255)
El Carrizal (157)
El Cerrote (230)
El Cuarto (374)
El Dedhó (56)
El Dedho (5)
El Mezquite Segundo (65)
El Muhí (337)
El Organal (111)
El Palmar (153)
El Rancho (5)
El Rincón (107)
El Rodeo (93)
El Sabino (37)
El Salitre (991)
El Salitre (2)
El Saucillo (131)
El Sauz (74)
El Tathí (164)
El Tepozán (184)
El Tepozán (61)
El Tule (913)
El Zapote (65)
Encarnación (136)
Ex-Hacienda la Estancia (60)
Francisco I. Madero (Guadalupe) (894)
Francisco Villa (Llano Segundo) (129)
Garabatos (Garabatos la Estancia) (165)
Iglesia Vieja (12)
Jagüey Colorado (164)
La Barranca del Muhí (15)
La Calera (32)
La Casota (-)
La Cebada (19)
La Cruz (Ejido de la Cruz) (74)
La Escondida (6)
La Estanzuela (119)
La Loma (114)
La Loma (2)
La Loma (36)
La Loma (1)
La Majada (15)
La Majada Grande (28)
La Manzana (294)
La Mesa (83)
La Mesa de Camposanto del Oro (27)
La Milpota (13)
La Ortiga (32)
La Rinconada (87)
La Ruda (63)
La Tinaja (57)
La Tinaja Durango (95)
La Venta de Coaxithi (7)
La Ventolera (20)
Las Adjuntas (223)
Las Pilas (35)
Las Pilas (12)
Las Piletas (105)
Las Vegas (93)
Lázaro Cárdenas (Remedios) (1498)
Llanitos (128)
Llano Blanco (753)
Llano Norte (-)
Llano Segundo (290)
Los Carrizos (44)
Los Duraznos (166)
Los Mármoles (17)
Los Nogales (76)
Los Pilares (165)
Maguey Blanco (-)
Maguey Verde (200)
Megüi (179)
Mezquite Primero (44)
Mina el Espíritu (-)
Morelos (Trancas) (330)
Peña Colorada (13)
Pelillos (117)
Plutarco Elías Calles (Santiago) (912)
Pontihú (99)
Potreritos (120)
Pozo Hondo (91)
Pueblo Nuevo (77)
Puertecito del Megüi (67)
Puerto Colorado (12)
Puerto de la Estancia (19)
Puerto de Vigas (57)
Puerto del Ángel (248)
Puerto del Efe (180)
Puerto Ingeniero Isidro Díaz (13)
Puerto Juárez (336)
Puerto la Palma (Cerrito Enmedio) (12)
Puerto Montero (2)
Puerto Xodhe (3)
Puerto Zapote (La Nopalera) (18)
Puetzey (63)
Rancho San Juan (-)
San Andrés (Toxthi) (55)
San Antonio (Cuauhtémoc) (170)
San Cristóbal (35)
San Felipe (29)
San Francisco (22)
San Francisco Texquedho (3)
San Isidro (95)
San José del Oro (San Vicente) (110)
San Miguel (63)
San Miguel Tetillas (78)
San Vicente (51)
Santa María (29)
Santa Rita (287)
Sóstenes Vega (Xithá Segundo Cedho) (135)
Shanadu (4)
Tadhé (76)
Taxthó (47)
Taxthó (15)
Tenguedhó (79)
Tierras Amarillas (84)
Tinthé (158)
Tlalpan (632)
Tolimán (12)
Toxhi (24)
Tzijay (Emiliano Zapata) (74)
Tzitzi (36)
Venustiano Carranza (San Pedro) (904)
Verdosas (5)
Vicente Guerrero (El Tablón) (54)
Villa Nueva (61)
Xajhá (417)
Xhitá Primero (276)
Xhitá Segundo (San Isidro) (55)
Xindhó Guadalupe (271)
Xindhó Primero (1123)
Xindhó San Pedro (27)
Xindhó Segundo (Xindhó Saucillo) (80)
Xodhé (17)
Yerbabuena (22)
Yethay (96)
Zimapán (14732)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Zimapán:

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