Municipality of San Marcos

All the data of the municipality of San Marcos, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: San Marcos, Las Vigas, or Las Mesas.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Guerrero.

Which is my place if I live in San Marcos?

San Marcos is a Municipality of 48501 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guerrero, with a fertility rate of 3.30 children per woman. 1.82% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guerrero. 1.41% of the population is indigenous, 0.85% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.02% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.03% of the inhabitants of San Marcos are Catholic, 44.02% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.73% are employed. Additionally, 30.24% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.54% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of San Marcos?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of San Marcos and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Marcos? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Marcos through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Marcos. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Marcos. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Marcos.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Marcos

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Marcos:

Which is my place if I live in San Marcos?

Acamiel (- inhabitants)
Agua Dulce (5 inhabitants)
Altamira (El Frijolar) (87 inhabitants)
Alto de Ventura (764 inhabitants)
Amate Morado (64 inhabitants)
Amazquite (135 inhabitants)
Anáhuac (476 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Limón (519 inhabitants)
Arroyo Frío (10 inhabitants)
Arroyo Grande (4)
Barranca Prieta (226)
Barranca Prieta (21)
Barranquilla (La Pulga) (212)
Barrio Nuevo (Toro Pando) (76)
Barrio Pobre (-)
Bella Vista (161)
Buena Vista del Sur (209)
Buenos Aires (4)
Cabeza de Vaca (-)
Callejón de Cuapinola (-)
Caridad (298)
Carretera Nacional Avenida las Palmas (87)
El Cerro Pesquería (111)
Chacalapa del Pacífico (351)
El Chamizal (116)
Chapopote (22)
Colonia Anáhuac (357)
Colonia el Cuco (449)
Colonia Nueva (-)
Cuadrilla Nueva (1)
El Agostadero (71)
El Arenal (Huerta los Ramírez) (66)
El Bajito (-)
El Cacahuate (-)
El Cacao (60)
El Carmen (110)
El Carrizo (9)
El Cocoyult (Coacoyul) (658)
El Cortés (1159)
El Cuco (361)
El Dorado (-)
El Guamil (11)
El Guayabo (411)
El Linar (14)
El Maguey (42)
El Pacífico (44)
El Papayo (116)
El Porvenir (2)
El Rincón de Huehuetán (7)
El Roble (103)
El Tamarindo (764)
El Tejoruco (La Horqueta) (457)
El Tepehuajito (15)
Espinalillo del Tenante (Espinalillo) (54)
Estero Verde (932)
Huerta de Sembrio (-)
Jiménez (287)
La Barra de Santa Rosa (11)
La Barrera (28)
La Cucucha (27)
La Estancia (127)
La Granja (Las Piedritas) (5)
La Ilusión (-)
La Loma del Chivo (6)
La Mirita (8)
La Troja (13)
La Unión (31)
La Unión (Arroyo de la Unión) (73)
La Puerta del Charco (4)
Lagunilla (263)
Las Brisas (1)
Las Cabecitas (2)
Las Cruces (1711)
Las Lechugas (455)
Las Lomitas de Nexpa (Las Lomitas) (439)
Las Lomitas de Papagayo (240)
Las Mesas (2803)
Las Minas (965)
Palmitas de Papagayo (Las Palmitas) (21)
Las Parotas (-)
Las Ramaditas (200)
Las Vigas (4762)
Llano Bonito (-)
Llano de la Puerta (1262)
Llano Grande (1337)
Loma de Caridad (-)
Los Agüeyes (-)
Los Limoncitos (34)
Los Mogotes (-)
Los Otates (39)
Los Tabachines (15)
Los Villanueva (-)
Medanitos Perros de Agua (97)
Moctezuma (260)
Monte Alto (893)
Monte Redondo (17)
Nuevo Santo Domingo (93)
Nuevo Tecomulapa (438)
Ocotillo (199)
Palomar de las Flores (246)
Piedra Blanca (640)
Piedra Parada (465)
Plan de Quintero (8)
Plan Grande (106)
Poza del Tule (41)
Las Pozas (78)
Rancho Alegre (32)
Rancho Andrea Torres (2)
Rancho Artemio Romero Morales (8)
Rancho los Tamarindos (80)
Vista Alegre (80)
Rancho del Capitán (2)
Rancho el Futuro (-)
Rancho Julio Estrada (4)
Rancho los Cantiles (44)
Rancho Marcelino Vázquez (1)
Rancho Nuevo (849)
Rancho Viejo (1035)
Río Playa (29)
San José Guatemala (374)
San José la Pala (157)
San Juan Chico (213)
San Juan Grande (401)
San Marcos (13650)
San Marquitos (-)
San Miguel (238)
Santa Elena Guerrero (827)
Santa Elena de la Villa (791)
Santo Domingo (112)
Sepudo (28)
Tamarindillo (225)
Tecomate Nanchal (493)
Tecomate Pesquería (530)
Teguajito (Cerro Enjenjible) (16)
Tierra y Libertad (118)
Vereda del Cacao (-)
Vereda del Llano de la Puerta (53)
Vista Alegre (227)
Vista Hermosa (82)
Yucatán de las Flores (442)
Yupito (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Marcos:

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