Municipality of Iguala de la Independencia

All the data of the municipality of Iguala de la Independencia, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Iguala de la Independencia, Coacoyula de Álvarez, or Santa Teresa.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Guerrero.

Which is my place if I live in Iguala de la Independencia?

Iguala de la Independencia is a Municipality of 140363 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guerrero, with a fertility rate of 2.34 children per woman. 8.24% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guerrero. 4.16% of the population is indigenous, 2.09% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.01% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.80% of the inhabitants of Iguala de la Independencia are Catholic, 54.76% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.06% are employed. Additionally, 70.66% of the dwellings have piped water and 19.46% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Iguala de la Independencia do most people live?

According to our statistics of Iguala de la Independencia, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Iguala de la Independencia? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Iguala de la Independencia through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Iguala de la Independencia. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Iguala de la Independencia. As an example, you can find towns and places around Iguala de la Independencia.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Iguala de la Independencia

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Iguala de la Independencia:

Which is my place if I live in Iguala de la Independencia?

Adrián Martínez Hernández (Ampliación Linda Vista) (- inhabitants)
Agua de Manteca (- inhabitants)
Ahuehuepan (693 inhabitants)
Ampliación Jardín Pueblo Viejo (- inhabitants)
Barranca de San Andrés (- inhabitants)
CERESO (503 inhabitants)
Ceja Blanca (589 inhabitants)
Coacoyula de Álvarez (2539 inhabitants)
Colonia 15 de Septiembre (- inhabitants)
Colonia 24 de Febrero (2)
Colonia Álvaro Obregón (189)
Colonia California (324)
Colonia CNOP Dos (-)
Colonia CNOP Uno (24)
Colonia Cristo Rey (3)
Colonia del Ángel (-)
Colonia el Capire (-)
Colonia el Carmen (14)
Materiales Caslem El Paraíso Uno (-)
Colonia el Tomatal (Kilómetro 128) (15)
Colonia Ernesto Che Guevara (La Che Guevara) (160)
Colonia Francisco Villa (-)
Fermín Rabadán Cervantes (2137)
Colonia Jardín Campestre (-)
Colonia Jardín Pueblo Viejo (-)
Colonia la Paz (-)
Colonia Loma de los Coyotes (454)
Colonia Lomas Campestre (-)
Colonia Martín Aceves González (-)
Colonia Mota (9)
Colonia Periférico Oriente (4)
Rancho del Cura (702)
Colonia Renacimiento (-)
Colonia Santa Elena (El Caolín) (162)
Colonia Tacuba (-)
Colonia Tonalapita Sur (-)
Colonia Vista Hermosa (-)
Coloso (28)
David Martínez (-)
El Amate (7)
El Calvario (10)
El Capire de Santa Ana (21)
El Cielo de Cheguevara (55)
El Cirián (10)
El Guardaganado (El Zoquital) (7)
El Manantial (-)
El Mancebo (25)
El Mango (3)
El Mezquite (332)
El Naranjo (996)
El Paraíso (-)
Granja Avícola El Progreso (4)
El Polvorín (7)
El Tercer Mundo (10)
El Guamuchilar (-)
Eufemio Zapata (125)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Iguala de la Independencia:

15 De Septiembre
19 De Enero
20 De Noviembre
23 De Marzo
24 De Febrero
28 De Abril
3 De Mayo
Abrazo De Acatempan
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Adolfo Lopez Mateos - Infonavit
Agua Zarca
Ampl 3 De Mayo
Ampl Agua Zarca
Ampl Flores Magon
Ampl Las Brisas
Ampl Renovacion
Ampl San Jose
Barrio De Las Flores
Benito Juarez
Benito Juarez Ii
Camino Blanco
Camino Real
Campestre Altamira
Caritino Maldonado
Central Campesina De Guerrero
Ciudad Ind Del Valle De Iguala
Civi - Ciudad Industrial
Daniel Murayama
De La Guadalupe
Del Rio
Del Seguro Social
El Calvario
El Capire
El Huizachal
El Mirador
El Pedregal
El Zacatal
Emiliano Zapata
Emilio M Gonzalez
Epifanio Rodriguez
Fernando Amilpa
Fracc Azucena
Fracc Iguala 2000
Fracc Jardines De San Andres
Fracc Las Americas
Fracc Las Praderas
Fracc Magisterial
Fracc Magisterial Guerrerense
Fracc Magisterial Iguala
Fracc Patria
Fracc Res Del Valle
Fracc Ruben Figueroa Alcocer
Fracc Ruffo Figueroa
Fracc San Angel
Fracc Tres
Fracc Valle Del Sol
Fracc Villa Cooperativa
Francisco Villa
Genaro Vazquez
Gral Adrian Castrejon
Guerrero Azteca
Guerreros Del Sur
Heberto Castillo I
Heberto Castillo Ii
Heroes Del Sur
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano
Inst Mexicano Del Seguro Social
Jardines De San Andres
Juan N Alvarez
Juan Rulfo
Judith Caballero De Nuñoz
La Palma
La Parota
La Paz

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