Municipality of Cuajinicuilapa

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Cuajinicuilapa through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Cuajinicuilapa, San Nicolás, or El Pitahayo.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Guerrero by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Cuajinicuilapa?

Cuajinicuilapa is a Municipality of 25922 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guerrero, with a fertility rate of 3.33 children per woman. 11.00% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guerrero. 9.38% of the population is indigenous, 5.74% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.14% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

86.44% of the inhabitants of Cuajinicuilapa are Catholic, 45.61% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.29% are employed. Additionally, 32.95% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.40% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Cuajinicuilapa do most people live?

According to our statistics of Cuajinicuilapa, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Cuajinicuilapa? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Cuajinicuilapa through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Cuajinicuilapa. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Cuajinicuilapa. As an example, you can find towns and places around Cuajinicuilapa.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Cuajinicuilapa

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Cuajinicuilapa:

Which is my place if I live in Cuajinicuilapa?

Altos de Baraña (59 inhabitants)
Barajillas (Barajilla) (818 inhabitants)
Barrita del Río (Barrita de Pío) (- inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (274 inhabitants)
Calzada (La Calzada) (27 inhabitants)
Cerro de las Tablas (260 inhabitants)
Cerro del Indio (El Indio) (646 inhabitants)
Colonia Agrícola Ganadera Tierra Colorada (Colonia Guadalupe) (4 inhabitants)
Colonia Miguel Alemán Valdez (759 inhabitants)
Colonia San José (86)
Comaltepec (Comal) (645)
Cuajinicuilapa (11245)
Domingo Vázquez (1)
El Cacalote (164)
El Carrizo (Rancho de Fausto Mendoza) (57)
El Cerro del Chivo (El Chivo) (4)
El Charco de Ometepec (1)
El Cuiji (El Cuije) (225)
El Cusuco (El Bajo) (2)
El Pitahayo (1583)
El Puente de Vica (-)
El Quizá (621)
El Tamale (333)
El Terrero (684)
El Vaivén (215)
Fraccionamiento San Valentín (14)
Gas Costa Chica (-)
Gloria Escondida (-)
Huerta de José Segura Dos (3)
Huerta de San Miguel (-)
Huerta Marcos Colón (1)
Huerta Maurilio Torres Barroso (Lote Veintinueve) (1)
Jícaro Abajo (152)
La Bocana (44)
La Borrega (Huerta Luis Jaime de la Serda) (-)
La Petaca (Hacienda la Petaca) (391)
La Secadora (-)
La Y Griega (-)
Las Lomitas (-)
Los Hules (Rancho los Hules) (-)
Rancho Hilario Aguirre (El Monte de Jícara) (2)
Lote Enrique Gaspar (-)
Maldonado (877)
Montecillos (1058)
Potrero Jesús Altamirano Montalván (-)
Poza del Macho (-)
Pozos de Agua (Pozas de Agua) (23)
Punta Maldonado (El Faro) (848)
Rancho Óscar Sotelo (-)
Rancho Agua Fría (5)
Rancho Aguirre (-)
Rancho Aldegundo Melo Anica (-)
Rancho Alejandro Marín (-)
Rancho Andrés Chegue (-)
Rancho Antonio Orduño (3)
Rancho Óscar Sotelo Dos (-)
Rancho Barajillas (Rancho Mateo Aguirre) (-)
Rancho Blanco (Rancho los Límites) (1)
Rancho Camero (-)
Rancho Casa Blanca (1)
Rancho de Benito Pita (6)
Rancho de Colores (-)
Rancho de Fausto Mendoza (Faustino Mendoza) (4)
Rancho de Javier Flores Bailón (-)
Rancho de Manuel Guzmán (1)
Rancho de Nicolás Moreno Dos (1)
Rancho de Nicolás Moreno (-)
Rancho de Roberto Clavel (-)
Rancho de Santiago (Rancho Santiago) (77)
Rancho de Santiago Pineda (4)
Rancho Delfino Montalván (Lote Número 16) (-)
Rancho Donaciano Mendoza Marín (-)
Rancho el Cerrito (-)
Rancho el Edén (7)
Rancho el Mirador (Rancho de Martín Añorve) (9)
Rancho el Pantanal (Rancho de Mateo Aguirre) (7)
Rancho el Paraíso de los Sotelos (El Paraíso) (3)
Rancho el Pitique (1)
Rancho el Pocarín (9)
Rancho el Rodeo (5)
Rancho el Trébol (-)
Rancho Eloy Herrera (Lote Número 36) (-)
Rancho Eurípides Navarrete (12)
Rancho Flores del Carmen (1)
Rancho Gila (Rancho Pablo Gil) (9)
Rancho Gonzalo Coronado (8)
Rancho Hermanos Álvarez Guzmán (Lote Número 38) (8)
Rancho Hermanos Herrera (1)
Rancho Ingeniero Rodríguez (6)
Rancho Javier Mendoza Añorve (4)
Rancho Joaquín López Añorve (-)
Rancho Juana Hernández (2)
Rancho Julián Medina Calleja (2)
Rancho la Bonita (La Bonita) (4)
Rancho la Parota (-)
Rancho la Petaca (Rancho Cerro de las Tablas) (1)
Rancho la Providencia (4)
Rancho la Soledad (Rancho de Elpidio Reyna) (-)
Rancho las Ases (1)
Rancho Las Bugambilias de Bonfilia Nieto (1)
Rancho las Golondrinas (7)
Rancho las Niñas (4)
Rancho los Almendros (8)
Rancho los Laureles (9)
Rancho los Limones (2)
Rancho los Mangos (1)
Rancho los Tamarindos (-)
Rancho Luis Lorenzo (2)
Rancho Manuel Díaz (-)
Rancho Margarito Guerrero Bravo (4)
Rancho Mario Navarrete (3)
Rancho Melitón Cisneros Dos (-)
Rancho Miguel Marín (11)
Rancho Pedro Lorenzo Bustos (1)
Rancho Piedras Blancas (-)
Rancho Ramiro Herrera (-)
Rancho Roberto Álvarez (-)
Rancho Salvador Cruz (La Inar) (6)
Rancho San Andrés (2)
Rancho San Antonio (-)
Rancho Santa Herma (Rancho Diógenes Justo H.) (-)
Rancho Sinecio Mendoza (-)
Rancho Tres Hermanos (2)
Rancho Vicente Cortez (-)
Rancho Vicente Cortez Dos (2)
Río Seco (-)
Rancho la Loma de los Vaqueros (Rancho Añorve) (-)
Rancho Maurilio Torres B. (Lote Veinticuatro) (-)
San Nicolás (3249)
Tejas Crudas (163)
Tierra Colorada (816)
Tomás Marín Sáligan (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Cuajinicuilapa:

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