Municipality of Victoria

All the data of the municipality of Victoria, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Victoria, Cieneguilla, or Los Remedios (Cerro Grande).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Guanajuato.

Which is my place if I live in Victoria?

Victoria is a Municipality of 19820 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guanajuato, with a fertility rate of 3.10 children per woman. 8.15% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guanajuato. 0.67% of the population is indigenous, 0.22% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

97.73% of the inhabitants of Victoria are Catholic, 38.72% are economically active and, within this active population, 92.66% are employed. Additionally, 70.02% of the dwellings have piped water and 4.19% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Victoria?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Victoria and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Victoria? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Victoria through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Victoria. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Victoria. As an example, you can find towns and places around Victoria.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Victoria

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Victoria:

Which is my place if I live in Victoria?

Agua Fría (66 inhabitants)
Arroyo del Agua (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Hondo (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Seco (22 inhabitants)
Atascadero de los González (25 inhabitants)
Álamos de Martínez (205 inhabitants)
Buenavista de Guadalupe (84 inhabitants)
Cañada de Higueras (211 inhabitants)
Cañada de Moreno (495 inhabitants)
Cañada de Trancas (15)
Callejón el Calvario (27)
Capilla Blanca (175)
Cerrito Colorado (175)
Cerrito del Viejo (-)
Cerro de la Cabra (4)
Cerro de la Mula (2)
Cieneguilla (1412)
Corral de Piedra (147)
Corral Viejo (4)
Corralillos (443)
Derramaderos (490)
El Agridulce (4)
El Apartadero (-)
El Atascadero (Los González) (-)
El Capulín (-)
El Capulín (3)
El Carmen (842)
El Carrizo (47)
El Chilcuague (-)
El Chorro (3)
El Clavel (2)
El Criollo (7)
El Gallinero (17)
El Guayabo (7)
El Huizache (Cañada de Huizaches) (26)
El Jabonero (5)
El Jaralito (14)
El Maguey Blanco (14)
El Mezquital (22)
El Milagro (28)
El Nogal Chico (59)
El Nogal Grande (-)
El Obispo (San Martín del Obispo) (80)
El Ojo de Agua (106)
El Peltre (7)
El Piñón (7)
El Pitahayo (66)
El Quelite (78)
El Refugio (405)
El Remolino (2)
El Sabino (21)
El Salitre de Frías (2)
El Sauz de Arriba (110)
El Tanque (8)
El Tejabán (5)
El Tepehuaje (37)
El Terrón Blanco (1)
El Varal (6)
Entronque a Xacalázuchitl (24)
Ex-hacienda de Higueras (-)
Jaboncillos (22)
Xacalázuchitl (141)
El Amole (3)
La Cañada (17)
La Calera (169)
La Cantera (-)
La Capillita (5)
La Cebolleta (86)
La Dalia (3)
La Ermita (4)
La Esperanza (190)
La Estancia (219)
La Estancia de Abajo (227)
La Gavia (Mesa de la Gavia) (31)
La Gavia Chica (105)
La Joya (5)
La Joya (12)
La Joya Fría (58)
La Lagunilla (32)
La Lagunita (83)
La Luz (195)
La Mojonera (3)
La Mora (2)
La Palma (La Melera) (-)
La Peña Azul (4)
La Peña Colorada (1)
La Peña Grande (-)
La Peñita (10)
La Pitahaya (-)
La Redonda (12)
La Simona (199)
La Sobrepiedra (27)
La Yerbabuena (36)
Las Adjuntas (Los Cojos) (-)
Las Chivas (94)
Las Heladas (48)
Las Higueras (Carrizal de Higueras) (169)
Las Naranjas (192)
Las Negritas (11)
Las Trojes (80)
Las Veredas (16)
Loma de los Chilitos (238)
Los Aviones (131)
Los Colorados (16)
Los Corrales (-)
Los Epazotes (-)
Los Hornitos (1)
Los Linderos (669)
Los Nogales (-)
Los Nogales (Los Hartones) (20)
Los Parajitos (-)
Los Plátanos (6)
Los Remedios (Cerro Grande) (1002)
Los Tanques (79)
Malinto (494)
Mangas Cuatas (84)
Mesa Alta (1)
Mesa Chata (1)
Mesa de la Cantera (223)
Mesa de Ortiz (73)
Mesa del Salto (24)
Mesa Prieta (18)
Mesita del Tigre (230)
Milpa Blanca (-)
Milpas Blancas (-)
Milpillas de Santiago (840)
Milpillas del Pito (80)
El Tepetate (346)
Misión de Arnedo (1074)
Monte Nuevo (2)
Morisquilla (3)
Negritas (76)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Palmillas (709)
Palo Blanco (16)
Palo Gordo (13)
Palo Seco (13)
Panales (304)
Paso Hondo (-)
Paso Hondo (168)
Peña Blanca (12)
Piedra Gorda (9)
Potrerillos (21)
Pozo del Amador (-)
Pozo Hondo (-)
Puertecito Blanco (11)
Puerto de Chilcuague (1)
Puerto de Domingo (80)
Puerto de Galván (16)
Puerto de la Tapona (26)
Puerto de Palmas (326)
Puerto de Trancas (7)
Puerto del Aire (32)
Puerto del Roble (10)
Rancho Viejo (Espíritu Santo) (219)
Rincón de Huizaches (-)
Rincón del Zapote (8)
Rincón Grande (11)
Romerillos (94)
Salitrera (172)
San Agustín (122)
San Antonio de la Cueva (20)
San Gabriel (18)
San Isidro de las Palmas (6)
San Jerónimo (El Llanito) (175)
San Salvador de Ahorcados (30)
Sauz de Higueras (-)
Sombrerete (232)
Tasajillo (1078)
Terrero de Cieneguilla (90)
Tres Pasos (8)
Tuna Mansa (1)
Tunas Blancas (44)
Victoria (2842)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Victoria:

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