Municipality of Ocampo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Ocampo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Ocampo, Santa Bárbara, or La Escondida.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Guanajuato by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Ocampo?

Ocampo is a Municipality of 22683 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guanajuato, with a fertility rate of 3.30 children per woman. 9.42% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guanajuato. 0.26% of the population is indigenous, 0.09% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

98.19% of the inhabitants of Ocampo are Catholic, 45.35% are economically active and, within this active population, 92.01% are employed. Additionally, 77.35% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.51% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ocampo do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ocampo, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ocampo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ocampo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ocampo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ocampo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ocampo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ocampo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ocampo:

Which is my place if I live in Ocampo?

20 de Noviembre (El Veinte) (540 inhabitants)
Arrona (27 inhabitants)
Buenavista (El Barroso) (7 inhabitants)
Cabras de Guadalupe (229 inhabitants)
Cabras de Moncada (2 inhabitants)
Callejón del Conejo (51 inhabitants)
Carmen del Norte (76 inhabitants)
CEFERESO (1622 inhabitants)
Darío Herrera (6 inhabitants)
Desmonte de González (6)
Desmonte de los Araiza (-)
Efigenia (4)
El Arbolito (-)
El Álamo (La Alberca) (3)
El Carmen (El Pasojo) (2)
El Cerrito de la Cruz (73)
El Cerrito de la Garza (24)
El Cielo (12)
El Cócono (-)
El Coecillo de la Palma (24)
El Colorado (35)
El Colorado (3)
El Conejo (-)
El Cono de la Trinidad (20)
El Desmonte de Galicia (5)
El Durazno (-)
El Establo (-)
El Fresno (-)
El Garabato (35)
El Mezquite (387)
El Milagro (1)
El Nopal Verde (-)
El Orégano (-)
El Pájaro (216)
El Potrero (487)
El Potrero de Manzanillas (38)
El Puerquito (193)
El Ranchito (-)
El Recreo (7)
El Refugio (3)
El Rosario (30)
El Saltillo (5)
El Salto (44)
El Saucito (27)
El Sorbete (-)
El Tanque Nuevo (-)
El Taray (-)
El Terrero (Estañeros) (15)
El Tigre (8)
El Tropezón (94)
Fraccionamiento San Antonio (1099)
Fraccionamiento San Elías (27)
Gachupines (1042)
Golondrinas (8)
Jacales (Los Pitos) (11)
Jaraleña (1)
Jarillas (5)
Jesús María (402)
Jesús Romero (El Mezquite) (13)
La Boquilla (-)
La Boquilla del Sur (4)
La Calavera (86)
La Cantera (-)
La Cinta (1)
La Corraleta (-)
La Cruz (-)
La Escondida (2053)
La Haciendita (545)
La Laguna (5)
La Laguna Cercada (177)
La Lagunita (Laguna Seca) (14)
La Loma (14)
La Luz (2)
La Majada Dos Hermanos (5)
La Memela (2)
La Noria (Rancho Nuevo) (8)
La Piedra Parada (La Laguna) (23)
La Puerta de los Cerritos (4)
La Rebusca (23)
La Rinconada (-)
La Tinaja (980)
La Trinidad (8)
La Tuna Mansa (5)
Laguna de Piedras (-)
Laguna de Purísima (Purísima de Ortuño) (2)
Lagunillas (La Esquina del Monte) (7)
Las Amapolas (3)
Las Ánimas (-)
Las Cuatas (-)
Las Cuevas (-)
Las Gotas (-)
Las Goteras (21)
Las Hartonas (10)
Las Lagunitas de San José Puente (-)
Las Latas (17)
Las Marías Viejas (1)
Las Presitas (El Dorado) (-)
Las Trojes (912)
Lindero de Purísima (-)
Llanos del Clavel (18)
Loma Alta (46)
Loma Bonita (2)
Loma de Navarro (5)
Lomelí (6)
Los Charcos (56)
Los Pirules (5)
Los Pirules (El Refugio) (1)
Los Tajitos (18)
Manuel Salas (-)
María Eugenia (-)
Monte del Conejo (-)
Morquecho (El Tecolote) (-)
Ocampo (7324)
Peñuelas (-)
Piedras Negras (4)
Praxedis Navarro Prado (3)
Predio los Locos (37)
Presa de Dolores (El Clavelito) (15)
Puerta de Cabras (2)
Puerta de la Aguililla (306)
Puerta de los Guzmán (Los Guzmanes) (115)
Puerta de los Méndez (6)
Puerta del Tigre (36)
Puerto de Plata (15)
Punteros (-)
Purísima de Rangel (La Chiripa) (6)
Rancho Alegre (Tanque Alegre) (-)
Rancho el Cerrito (-)
Rancho Espíritu Santo (3)
Rancho Nuevo (22)
Reyes Navarro Aguiñaga (7)
Quinta San Antonio (Carretera Ocampo-Ojuelos Kilómetro 1) (-)
San Bernardo (17)
San Francisco (173)
San Gabriel (19)
San Isidro (384)
San José (El Molino) (7)
San José del Carmen Sur (174)
San José del Torreón (1165)
San Martín de la Majada (-)
San Mauricio (La Puerta de la Tinaja) (4)
San Nicolás del Granado (27)
San Pedro de Ibarra (1254)
San Rafael de las Ánimas (82)
Santa Bárbara (2317)
Santa Catarina (-)
Santa Fe (5)
Santa Isabela (6)
Santa Regina (486)
Santa Teresa (5)
Tanque Colorado (22)
Tlachiquera (63)
Villa del Sol (-)
Vista Hermosa (214)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ocampo:

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