Municipality of Cortazar

All the data of the municipality of Cortazar, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Cortazar, Tierra Fría, or Cañada de Caracheo.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Guanajuato.

Which is my place if I live in Cortazar?

Cortazar is a Municipality of 88397 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guanajuato, with a fertility rate of 2.47 children per woman. 5.18% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guanajuato. 0.42% of the population is indigenous, 0.20% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

91.58% of the inhabitants of Cortazar are Catholic, 49.86% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.67% are employed. Additionally, 94.46% of the dwellings have piped water and 13.36% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Cortazar?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Cortazar and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Cortazar? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Cortazar through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Cortazar. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Cortazar. As an example, you can find towns and places around Cortazar.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Cortazar

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Cortazar:

Which is my place if I live in Cortazar?

Adrián Vázquez Delgadillo (La Cotera) (- inhabitants)
Alberto Castrejón (El Milagro) (2 inhabitants)
Ana Silvia Toledo Mancera [Ana Silvia Toledo Mancera (4 inhabitants)
Arreguín de Arriba (693 inhabitants)
Fraccionamiento Praderas del Río (- inhabitants)
Bellavista (543 inhabitants)
Brasil (La Nopalera) (- inhabitants)
Buenavista de Culiacán (5 inhabitants)
Cañada de Caracheo (2436 inhabitants)
Caracheo (1306)
Cecilia Novoa Guzmán (San José de la Peña) (4)
Cerro Culiacán (-)
Colonia Alameda de Vista Hermosa (72)
Colonia de Fuentes (Las Colonias) (447)
Colonia Guadalupe (-)
Colonia la Calzada (La Olla) (938)
Colonia la Fortaleza (594)
Colonia los Reyes (31)
Colonia Rinconada del Camino Viejo (56)
Corralejo (1)
Cortazar (69371)
Crecensio Rocha Ruiz (Callejones) (5)
El Álamo (1)
El Baztán (El Milagro) (5)
El Carrizal (4)
El Cielo (1)
El Colorado (126)
El Coyote (-)
El Culebrero (-)
El Diezmo (891)
El Fresno (4)
El Huevo (5)
El Huizache (1938)
El Jilote (396)
El Laurel (6)
El Mezquital (3)
El Milagro (-)
Jorge López (El Pedregal) (4)
El Pirul (1)
El Salitre (205)
El Sandillal (2)
El Saucito (23)
El Tecolote (Cerrito de Hierbas) (10)
El Zapote (562)
Estación de Cortazar (-)
Flores Mendoza (Segunda Fracción San Ignacio) (-)
Fraccionamiento Laureles (32)
Fraccionamiento Pradera del Laja (9)
Galeras (403)
Granja Agrícola Aurora (Pozo de Moreno) (9)
Granja Avícola Número 23 (-)
Granja Avícola Número 12 (6)
Granja Avícola Número 20 (-)
Granja Avícola Número 24 (1)
Granja Avícola Número 50 (-)
Granja Jardines (-)
Granja Postura Número 22 (6)
Granja Sanjuanita (3)
Hermilo Frías García (El Carrizal) (-)
Jaral Díaz (13)
José Luis Patiño (-)
José Razo Vera (El Zapote) (5)
Juan Aboytes (-)
Juan Alonso (9)
Juan Tovar Mancera (-)
La Casa Blanca (4)
La Charca (3)
La Concepción (266)
La Gavia (1448)
La Huerta (San José de Amoles) (728)
La Isla (13)
La Luz (1)
La Luz de Orozco (43)
La Maldita (7)
La Minilla (283)
La Mocha (863)
La Nopalera (El Poblano) (2)
La Noria (5)
La Palma (5)
La Piedad (1)
La Purísima (40)
La Soledad (7)
Las Cuatas (3)
Las Cuatas Dos (1)
Las Peñitas (5)
Las Puertas al Cielo (2)
Leonardo Chimal [Leonardo Chimal (4)
Loma Linda (San José de Parra) (453)
Invernadero Casa Verde Los Pioneros (4)
Los Trejo (39)
Manantiales (97)
Mandinga (148)
Manuel Macías (Camino Viejo) (-)
Merino (1225)
Nuevo Ejido de Merino (228)
Palmira (-)
De Parral (1096)
Piedra Clavada (-)
Porfirio Vázquez García (9)
Pozo Daniel Nieto (4)
Pozo de Jorge Novoa (-)
Pozo Lázaro Cárdenas (-)
Radio Lobo Praderas de la Soledad (6)
Privada Residencial Cortazar (131)
Productora Nacional de Semillas (-)
Pueblo Viejo de Corralejo (2)
Quinta la Esperanza (27)
Quinta Medrano (26)
Rancho el Gavilán (Porfirio Jamaica Nava) (-)
Rancho El Trébol (6)
Rancho La Cajita (3)
Rancho La Oliva (4)
Rancho las Águilas (Rancho el Colorado Ex-Hacienda de Caracheo) (5)
Rancho San Lorenzo (2)
Rosa María Torres Ojeda (Fracción la Palma) (4)
San Agustín Culiacán (287)
San Antonio (La Granja) (-)
San Francisco de los León (379)
San Isidro Culiacán (968)
San José Cerro Gordo (El Tope) (121)
San José de la Peña (7)
San José de Parra (Cola de Pato) (5)
San José del Llano (6)
San José el Poblano (8)
San Juan de Santa Anita (Los Rodríguez) (8)
San Lorenzo (3)
San Nicolás de Manantiales (641)
San Pablo (21)
San Ramón (24)
Santa Ana (18)
Santa Anita (-)
Santa Fe de la Purísima (1138)
Santa Rosita (2)
Santa Teresa (8)
Santo Domingo (4)
Sauz de Fuentes (489)
Sauz de Merino (218)
Tierra Fría (4108)
Torno Vázquez (Juan Manuel Vázquez) (-)
Torres Juárez (La Palma) (-)
Tres Lagunas (12)
Valencia de Fuentes (793)
Vista Hermosa (216)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Cortazar:

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