Municipality of Canatlán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Canatlán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Canatlán (Cab.), José Guadalupe Aguilera (Santa Lucía), or Ricardo Flores Magón.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Durango by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Canatlán?

Canatlán is a Municipality of 31401 inhabitants, placed in the State of Durango, with a fertility rate of 2.92 children per woman. 3.37% of the population migrated from outside the State of Durango. 0.47% of the population is indigenous, 0.26% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

94.18% of the inhabitants of Canatlán are Catholic, 44.67% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.99% are employed. Additionally, 93.98% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.72% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Canatlán do most people live?

According to our statistics of Canatlán, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Canatlán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Canatlán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Canatlán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Canatlán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Canatlán (Cab.).

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Canatlán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Canatlán:

Which is my place if I live in Canatlán?

Agrícola Ganadera Bravo (San Rafael) (- inhabitants)
Altamira (2 inhabitants)
Arnulfo R. Gómez (Los Sauces) (686 inhabitants)
El Gallinazo (- inhabitants)
Rancho el Lienzo Blanco (9 inhabitants)
Balneario Los Sauces (- inhabitants)
Benjamín Aranda (San Rafael) (310 inhabitants)
Bruno Martínez (San Bartolo) (789 inhabitants)
Buenavista (- inhabitants)
Caboraca (1)
Canatlán Viejo (-)
Canoas (1)
Carmen Ortega (-)
Cerro Gordo (435)
Charoláis los Sauces I (-)
Charoláis los Sauces II (-)
Cieneguitas (77)
Canatlán (Cab.) (11943)
Colonia Anáhuac (Palo Blanco) (862)
Corpus Cristys (-)
Crucero del Ojo de Agua del Mezquital (-)
Cuatillos (-)
Diez Hermanos (Las Tapias) (1)
Dolores Hidalgo (Gogogito) (193)
Don Chema (3)
Donato Guerra (691)
Durangueño (Corralitos) (-)
El Álamo (3)
El Búfalo (3)
El Capricho (-)
El Chaparro (Los Méndez) (1)
El Chaparro de los Díaz (Chaparro Díaz) (-)
El Chaparro de los Rivera (-)
El Consuelo (1)
El Faisán de las Tapias (4)
El Garbanzo (Predio San José de Gracia) (5)
El Menón (-)
El Nocebe (1)
El Paso Real (Rufino Contreras) (-)
El Porvenir (Casas Coloradas) (2)
El Pozole (202)
El Progreso (Los Pinos) (522)
El Ranchito (6)
El Rancho de Arriba (4)
El Río (Los García) (2)
El Refugio (3)
El Refugio (El Moradito) (-)
El Refugio (La Esperanza) (-)
El Saucillal (3)
El Sauz (Gustavo Silerio) (-)
El Sauz Bendito (-)
El Soldado (2)
El Tule (154)
El Vergel de Sauces (3)
Enrique Medrano (2)
Francisco Merino (San Bernardino) (-)
Francisco Zarco (Las Delicias) (198)
General Martín López (974)
Gomelia (149)
Granja Conejos (2)
Granja de la Rosa (1)
Granja Gloria del Alma (2)
Guadalupe los Nogales (Las Papas) (-)
Hacienda los Pinos (-)
Hermenegildo Galeana (16)
Huerta 3 Generaciones (1)
Huerta Duran (5)
Huerta el Llano (-)
Huerta Ruiz (3)
Huerta Varela (2)
Ignacio M. Altamirano (La Luz) (408)
Joaquín Ibarra (-)
José Cruz Gálvez (Cañas) (194)
José Guadalupe Aguilera (La Granja) (533)
José Guadalupe Aguilera (Santa Lucía) (1732)
José María Huerta Andrade (4)
Juan Morales (2)
La Abeja (3)
La Boquilla (7)
La Cañada (139)
La Casa de la Huerta (4)
La Coyotera (5)
La Cueva (-)
La Culebra (1)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (-)
La Estancia de Ibarra (La Estancia) (-)
La Ganadera (-)
La Guarnición (La Pequeña) (1)
La Joya de los Quiotes (20)
La Loma (3)
La Loma de los Metates (-)
La Negra Brangus (La Trinidad) (-)
La Plazuela (El Rayo) (255)
La Preciosa (-)
La Sauceda (728)
La Soledad (948)
La Soledad (3)
Lalo Acuña (2)
Rancho San Daniel (5)
Las Cabañas (-)
Las Cocinas (10)
Las Latas (14)
Las Palmas (6)
Las Pomas (-)
Las Tres M (Los Nevárez) (4)
Lirios de la Sierra (49)
Los Aniegos (-)
Los Arcos (-)
Los Ángeles (Predio la Esperanza) (1)
Los Dorados (-)
Los Herrera (-)
Los Juárez (1)
Los Lirios (146)
Los Monos (3)
Los Nieves (-)
Marquezotes de Guadalupe (Los Ojitos) (69)
Los Ojuelos (-)
Los Perales (3)
Los Táscates (Tres Caídas) (-)
Luz de Compasión (1)
Magueycitos (10)
Magueycitos (-)
Manuel Jiménez (Rancho Seco) (44)
Manuel Muñoz (5)
Manuel Ortega (6)
María Luisa Núñez (1)
Marquesotes de Guadalupe (Canelas) (127)
Maymorita (209)
Medina (362)
Michirame (1)
Mieleras (-)
Miguel Hidalgo (Viborillas) (69)
Monte Cristo (-)
Nicolás Bravo (1259)
Nogales (437)
Ojo de Agua (5)
Ojo de Agua del Mezquital (12)
Piedra Encimada (31)
Predio Canatlán (-)
Predio Colima (17)
Predio el Pozole (3)
Predio la Cañada (-)
Predio la Sauceda (-)
Predio las Macheras (-)
Predio las Tlazoleras (39)
Predio Mundo Engañoso (1)
Predio Potrero de Barrera (7)
Predio Potrero del Huizachal (15)
Predio Potrero del Trigo (8)
Predio Potrero Nuevo (32)
Predio Santa Cruz de las Huertas (134)
Puerto de Cañas (La Noria) (9)
Rafael Parra (1)
Rancherías (45)
Rancho Colorado (Rancho el Cura) (16)
Ex-Hacienda de Cañas (-)
Rancho del Cura (12)
Rancho el Andariego (8)
Rancho el Papalote (-)
Rancho de Martín (-)
Rancho La Esmeralda (1)
Rancho las Ánimas (1)
Rancho las Canoas (-)
Rancho Medina (-)
Rancho Mesa de Guadalupe (2)
Rancho Pa-lante (12)
Rancho Perales (-)
Rancho San Agustín (12)
Rancho San Felipe (6)
Ricardo Flores Magón (1393)
San Antonio de los Reyes (-)
San Carlos de los Reyes (2)
San Diego de Alcalá (250)
San Francisco Dos (-)
San Jerónimo de Jacales (115)
San José de Gracia (1343)
San Juan (10)
San Lorenzo (23)
Santa Ana (-)
Santa Isabel (-)
Santa Rosa de Escamillas (120)
Santa Susana (19)
Santa Teresa de los Pinos (58)
Sarita (5)
Tableteros (2)
Terranova (5)
Veintidós de Mayo (318)
Venustiano Carranza (Ocotán) (1249)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Canatlán:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Durango