Municipality of San Buenaventura

All the data of the municipality of San Buenaventura, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: San Buenaventura, Santa Gertrudis, or San Antonio de la Cascada.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza.

Which is my place if I live in San Buenaventura?

San Buenaventura is a Municipality of 22149 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, with a fertility rate of 2.39 children per woman. 3.84% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza. 0.27% of the population is indigenous, 0.15% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

73.79% of the inhabitants of San Buenaventura are Catholic, 48.42% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.77% are employed. Additionally, 97.98% of the dwellings have piped water and 18.15% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of San Buenaventura?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of San Buenaventura and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Buenaventura? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Buenaventura through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Buenaventura. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Buenaventura. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Buenaventura.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Buenaventura

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Buenaventura:

Which is my place if I live in San Buenaventura?

Santa Fe (Alejandro Gutiérrez López) (- inhabitants)
Ezequiel López Bernal (- inhabitants)
Argelia Castellanos Casas (1 inhabitants)
Bartola Vázquez Rodríguez (6 inhabitants)
Bellavista lll (2 inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (- inhabitants)
Santa Cruz (Rigoberto Villarreal Morales) (- inhabitants)
Ramón Jiménez Rivera (- inhabitants)
César Valdez Alfaro (2 inhabitants)
Comunidad San Buenaventura (5)
Luis Sierra Pecina (-)
David García (1)
Don Agapito (3)
El Águila (2)
El Berrendo (Nuevo Sacramento) (-)
El Capulín (-)
El Carrizalejo (9)
El Celo (-)
Los Dos Condados (-)
El Cimarrón (4)
El Colmenar (San Esteban) (1)
El Establo (María Teresa Boerman Villarreal) (3)
El Fortín (13)
El Fortín de las Golondrinas (5)
El Gavilán Dos (2)
El Gavilán (-)
Sal Si Puedes (El Marrón) (7)
El Lucero (2)
El Mesteño (1)
El Nogal (1)
Las Cuatro Hermanas (El Palmar) (2)
El Papalote (2)
El Pilote (-)
El Placer (-)
El Ranchito los Rodríguez (3)
El Retiro (2)
El Silencio (4)
César Gutiérrez (-)
La Palma (Eladio Villarreal de la Garza) (-)
Emilio Peña (-)
Eudelia Martínez Montemayor (Loma Prieta) (2)
Fidel Briones Rangel (2)
Fraccionamiento Campestre Las Margaritas (3)
Fraccionamiento Nueva Fracción (9)
Gonzalo Meza Aguilar (Trincheras) (6)
Victoria (-)
Guadalupe Victoria (El Cerrito) (33)
Hamburgo (-)
Los Pinos (Héctor Gutiérrez González) (8)
Bellavista VII (Homero Garza) (-)
Ignacio de Luna Rico (2)
Isidro Cerna Boone (-)
Jesús Núñez (4)
Miguel Ángel Villarreal Muñoz (Puerto Sabana) (1)
José Héctor Romo de Luna (5)
José Luis Valadés (2)
Saca de Bucareli (Juan Albino Hipólito Sandoval) (3)
Juan Antonio Martínez de León (2)
Juan Osvaldo Ezquivel Fernández (1)
Juan Treviño (1)
Ranchito Nuevo (Julio Sánchez García) (-)
Juvenal Moreno Cervantes (5)
La Angostura (La Chicharra) (-)
La Azufrosa (-)
La Caída (2)
La Chicharra (1)
La Encantada (1)
La Felicidad (4)
La Gorriona (-)
La Granja (-)
San Antonio (1)
La Laguna del Sauz (1)
La Mula (9)
La Navidad (2)
La Palma (1)
La Parrita (Pedro Peña Narváez) (2)
La Planta (1)
La Puerta (2)
La Purísima (2)
La Vaquita (El Tulillo) (-)
Las Ánimas (2)
Las Islas (1)
Los Nogales (-)
Las Mercedes (San Esteban) (3)
Las Moritas (2)
Las Praderas (2)
Los Dos Potrillos (Armando Contreras Garza) (1)
Los Pedernales (-)
Los Potrillos (Dionisio Martínez Posada) (7)
Luis Romo Gutiérrez (6)
Los Nogales (Manuel Terrazas Ramírez) (4)
María y José (Raúl García Valdez) (2)
El Paso (Maricela Martínez Martínez) (-)
Nuevo Poblado del Sombrerete (Nuevo Sombrerete) (154)
Las Pollas (Oscar Garza Galindo) (3)
Peña (-)
Predio 9 (2)
La Palapa (-)
Ricardo Valdez Adame (2)
Roberto Palacios (-)
Romero Flores Herrera (1)
Rosa de Guadalupe (9)
Alina y Karen (2)
Rubén de Luna (3)
Saca de Bucareli (8)
Saca de Bucareli (Armando Corona) (1)
San Antonio de la Cascada (244)
San Antonio de las Higueras (104)
San Blas (63)
San Buenaventura (23413)
San Enrique (1)
San Felipe (-)
San Francisco (111)
San Francisco (-)
San Jerónimo (El Ciervo) (1)
San José de Agua Dulce (-)
San Juanita (-)
San Juanita (-)
San Juanito (2)
San Lorenzo (90)
San Luis (El Cuatralbo) (-)
San Marcos (2)
San Martín (1)
San Patricio (-)
San Pedro de Agua Dulce (6)
San Salvador (3)
Santa Elena (1)
Santa Elena de la Cruz (5)
Santa Fe (3)
Santa Fe (4)
Santa Fe (3)
Santa Gertrudis (245)
Santa Gertrudis (27)
Santa María (La Pulga) (1)
Santa Martha (-)
Santa Teresa (El Cuate Carrillo) (1)
Mario Sergio de Luna García (-)
Sierra Hermosa (5)
Toro Viejo (-)
Valle Colombia (4)
Valle Perú (Rancho Nuevo) (3)
Yerbabuena (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Buenaventura:

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