Municipality of Nava

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Nava through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Nava, Colonia Venustiano Carranza, or Estación Río Escondido.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Nava?

Nava is a Municipality of 27928 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, with a fertility rate of 2.45 children per woman. 12.54% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza. 0.45% of the population is indigenous, 0.27% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

71.48% of the inhabitants of Nava are Catholic, 47.22% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.53% are employed. Additionally, 96.08% of the dwellings have piped water and 18.15% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Nava?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Nava and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Nava? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Nava through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Nava. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Nava. As an example, you can find towns and places around Nava.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Nava

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Nava:

Which is my place if I live in Nava?

Ángel de la Garza (- inhabitants)
Alejandro García (4 inhabitants)
Anita Covarrubias (- inhabitants)
Anselmo Pules Validiez (- inhabitants)
Antonio Ríos (- inhabitants)
Armando Garza (- inhabitants)
Antonio Humberto Tovar Cortez (- inhabitants)
Blanca Elena (Los Villa) (- inhabitants)
Carlos Osuna (3 inhabitants)
Carlos Osuna Dávila (1)
Carmelita (3)
La Esperanza (-)
Casa de Ejercicios Espirituales (-)
La Casa de Piedra (-)
Cecilia García (-)
Centro Ecuestre Deportivo [Centro Ecuestre Deportivo (6)
El Milagro (159)
Colonia Santo Domingo (33)
Colonia Venustiano Carranza (5250)
Cortinas (-)
Crescenciano Alvarado (-)
Crescencio Garza (-)
Criadero San Juan (-)
Cuadra el General (-)
Don Chon (4)
Efraín López (El Encino) (-)
Ejido Nava (13)
Ejido Río Escondido (1)
El Arado (-)
La Bellota (4)
El Álamo (2)
El Cedrito (San Fernando) (-)
El Columpio (2)
El Diamante (6)
El Encino Dos (3)
El Fénix (2)
El Fénix (-)
El Galván (5)
El Indio (-)
El Jabalí (-)
El Mexiquito (Ganadería las Palomas) (1)
El Mosco (-)
El Nogalito (Humberto Rosales) (-)
El Pantano (-)
El Paraíso (-)
El Potrero (-)
El Rayo (-)
El Rey (3)
El Rincón del Viejo (2)
El Saucito (-)
El Siete (Don Matías) (-)
El Tambor (1)
El Triángulo (4)
El Travieso (4)
Rancho Viejo (-)
El Vaquero (4)
El Yonke (-)
Ojo de Agua (Santa Lucia) (8)
Eugenio Guillén (9)
Gilberto Ramírez (El Negro) (1)
Ernesto Pérez (-)
Estación Río Escondido (225)
Evaristo Urista (4)
Evaristo Urista Alaniz (5)
Fábrica de Hielo (2)
Familia Medrano Palos (-)
San Juan (Felipe Tovar Guadalajara) (4)
Fernando Rico Fraga (-)
Fracción el Fénix (-)
Fraccionamiento Las Praderas (46)
Francisco López (-)
Gallera de la Garza (1)
Garita La Finca (1)
Gilberto López (1)
Gilberto Mata (-)
Graciela (Santa Graciela) (2)
Granja Don Jesús (-)
Gregorio González (Santo Domingo) (-)
El Avileño (24)
Carlos Cabello (2)
Heriberto de la Garza Fernández (-)
Hilario Mejía Palomo (-)
Hipólito Nevarez (-)
Humberto Contreras (-)
Ignacio Romo (1)
Isidro Rangel (3)
Ismael Rodríguez (-)
El Arqui (-)
Javier Villanueva (2)
Jesús Enciso (3)
Colonia El Avileño (2)
José Antonio Díaz Varela (-)
José de León (3)
José Inés García (Los Laureles) (-)
José Luis Vázquez Reyes (-)
José María González (-)
José Fausto Suárez (1)
San Ramón (-)
José Luis Reyes (3)
José Santana (2)
Reyes Guillén Valdez (4)
Juan Antonio Osuna (-)
Juan Antonio Osuna Cárdenas (-)
San Joaquín (-)
Juan José González (1)
Juan José Maciel (-)
Juan Varela Nieto (4)
La Piedra 2 (-)
Kilómetro Veintiuno (-)
La Anacua (1)
La Bandera (-)
La Bandera (-)
La Candelaria Dos (El Veinte) (-)
La Chiripa (-)
La Escondida (-)
La Mansión (Juan del Toro) (2)
La Miseria (7)
La Morita (-)
La Morita (2)
La Noria (Norias Viejas) (-)
La Nueva (-)
La Piedra (-)
La Tinaja (Los Fuentes) (-)
La Yolanda (4)
Laguna del Tigre (-)
Las A (4)
Las Bodegas (-)
Las Hamacas (3)
Las Margaritas (-)
Las Mercedes (-)
El Potosino (-)
Las Moras (Genaro Ibarra Martínez) (-)
Las Pompas (-)
Las Reynas (-)
Las Trampas (23)
Los Arrieros (Andrés Medellín Salas) (-)
La Cascajera (58)
Los Cominos (6)
Los Corrales (4)
Los Encinos (-)
Los Encinos (33)
Los Girasoles (-)
Los Hernández (3)
Los Laureles (4)
Los Leones (-)
Los Melones (-)
Los Palma (10)
Los Papalotes (2)
Los Toros (1)
Los Uribe (La Morita) (-)
Luciano Vela (-)
José Carlos Mendoza (2)
María Juana Medrano (-)
Martín López (-)
Máximo Martínez (-)
Mina Río Escondido (-)
Mota de Alejo (Gonzalo Fernández) (2)
Nabraxa (-)
Nava (26963)
Ocotillo (3)
Pablo Mora (-)
Persa Ventura (-)
Presentación de la Rosa (La Mota) (-)
Rancho las 3R (Rafael Ríos) (-)
Rancho los Girasoles (-)
Rancho Nuevo (2)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Raymundo Muñoz (-)
Restaurante Las Palmas (4)
Reynaldo López Hernández (-)
Reynaldo Ozuna (4)
Roberto Soralinde (-)
María Amparo Guillen (5)
Rodolfo Fernández y Asociados (Lotes Campestres) (6)
Rodolfo Guillén (6)
Rodolfo Sánchez (9)
Rodrigo Rodríguez (-)
Rogelio Urista (8)
San Agustín (37)
San Antonio (2)
San Fernando (-)
San Francisco (-)
San José (-)
San Marcos (-)
San Miguel (-)
Santo Domingo (5)
Santo Domingo (Kilómetro Veintitrés) (-)
Sergio de la Cruz Rodríguez (4)
Sergio Mares (-)
Sinaí Dos Mil (10)
Sóstenes Medellín (-)
Tres Caminos (3)
Zandalio Ramírez (3)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Nava:

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