Municipality of Temósachi

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Temósachi through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Temósachi, Yepachi, or Yepómera.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chihuahua by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Temósachi?

Temósachi is a Municipality of 6211 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chihuahua, with a fertility rate of 3.03 children per woman. 0.93% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chihuahua. 5.62% of the population is indigenous, 3.04% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.50% of the inhabitants of Temósachi are Catholic, 44.69% are economically active and, within this active population, 92.45% are employed. Additionally, 88.11% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.63% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Temósachi do most people live?

According to our statistics of Temósachi, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Temósachi? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Temósachi through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Temósachi. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Temósachi. As an example, you can find towns and places around Temósachi.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Temósachi

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Temósachi:

Which is my place if I live in Temósachi?

Agua Caliente (1 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente (4 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente de Tutuaca (86 inhabitants)
Agua de los Leones (148 inhabitants)
Arroyo Largo (- inhabitants)
Babícora de Conoachic (154 inhabitants)
Bacuseachi (- inhabitants)
Barurachi (- inhabitants)
Beguarachi (- inhabitants)
Bethania (-)
Bichachiqui (8)
Buena Vista (10)
Campo Número Cuatro (-)
Casitas Blancas (8)
Chachamuri (5)
Ciénega de Yepachic (-)
Ciénega del Rincón (-)
Cocomorachic (249)
Colachi (18)
Conereque (2)
Cordón de Enmedio (Paraje Piedra Colorada) (1)
Cuesta Blanca (-)
Cueva Prieta (-)
El Álamo (2)
El Almagre (-)
El Arbolito (9)
El Bajío (2)
El Barro (4)
El Carrizo (-)
El Cerrito (-)
El Colorado (-)
El Lirio (1)
El Llorón (1)
El Maguey (-)
El Mirador (-)
El Mono (-)
El Muertecito (-)
El Novillo (-)
El Ojito (2)
El Ojo (-)
El Pino (-)
El Potrero (3)
El Potrero (-)
El Progreso (60)
El Ranchito (-)
El Ranchito (-)
El Ranchito (2)
El Ranchito (-)
El Ranchito (3)
El Refugio (1)
El Repartidor (4)
El Riíto (13)
El Sabino (-)
El Salto (-)
El Saucito (-)
El Sauz (-)
El Sauz (1)
El Terrerito (-)
El Terrero (Piedras Azules) (8)
La Gloria (-)
Janos (37)
La Artesa (1)
La Aurora (-)
La Boquilla (-)
La Boquilla (-)
La Cebadilla (-)
La Chica (-)
La Ciénega (-)
La Ciénega Blanca (Los Chiqueros) (217)
La Ciénega (4)
La Ciénega (1)
La Concha (131)
La Culebra (-)
La Espiga (-)
La Floreña (-)
La Guajolota (-)
La Hacienda (1)
La Joya (-)
La Junta (3)
La Labor de Guadalupe (2)
La Lombriz (1)
La Mesa (16)
La Mesa (La Culebra) (2)
La Mesa de Murillo (-)
La Mesa Verde (-)
La Minita (-)
La Ornela (-)
La Posta (28)
La Providencia (10)
La Salitrera (14)
La Sandía (1)
La Silla (-)
La Vaisa (-)
La Vinata (6)
La Yerbabuena (-)
Las Ánimas (-)
Las Bolas (-)
Las Burras (-)
Las Cachanas (-)
Las Canoas (-)
Las Canoas (-)
Las Coronillas (-)
Las Coronillas (-)
Las Cuevas (-)
Las Cuevas (-)
Las Delicias (-)
Las Gallinas (-)
Las Huertas de Cocomorachic (79)
Las Mesas (Puerto Amarillo) (-)
Las Moras (-)
Las Varas (8)
Los Arbolitos (-)
Los Chiqueros (-)
Los Chiqueros (-)
Los Cuadritos (9)
Los Horcones (1)
Los Hornitos (-)
Los Macheros (1)
Los Maguechis (La Nopalera) (-)
Los Pilares (7)
Manapuchi (-)
Mapimí (7)
Maulas (11)
Mesa del Aguaje (-)
Mesa los Tubos (-)
Molinitos (-)
Muainas (-)
Nabogame (25)
Nombre de Dios (-)
Olga Guzmán Díaz (La Otra Banda) (2)
Paraje Colorado (1)
Peñasco Blanco (-)
Piedra Blanca (-)
Piedras Azules (1)
Piedras Bolas (-)
Poleachi (1)
Pozo Salado (1)
Promontorio (-)
Racharichi (7)
Rancho Blanco (-)
Rancho Casa Blanca (-)
Rancho del Monte (34)
Rancho Grande (4)
Rancho las Gallinas (4)
Rancho los Martínez (-)
Rancho Nuevo (1)
Santa Rita (-)
Rancho Viejo (-)
Recomachi (-)
Reynaldo García (5)
Rincón del Cañón (49)
Río Verde (3)
Rocheachi (-)
San Antonio (29)
San Ignacio (-)
San Isidro (Piedras Azules) (30)
San Isidro de Lomas (128)
San José (-)
San Juan (-)
San Juan (-)
San León (-)
San Luis (4)
Santa Bárbara (3)
Sehue (-)
Selarachi (6)
Temósachic (1657)
Tierra Blanca (-)
Tierras Coloradas (-)
Tierras de María (-)
Tira Larga (3)
Tosanachi (134)
Tres Arroyos (-)
Tres Arroyos (-)
Tutuaca (184)
Urichique (19)
Vallecillo (64)
Vaqueriachi (-)
Yahuirachi (60)
Yepachic (984)
Yepómera (466)
Yocaybo (3)

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