Municipality of Satevó

All the data of the municipality of Satevó, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: San Francisco Javier de Satevó, San José del Sitio, or La Joya.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Chihuahua.

Which is my place if I live in Satevó?

Satevó is a Municipality of 3662 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chihuahua, with a fertility rate of 3.10 children per woman. 1.23% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chihuahua. 1.58% of the population is indigenous, 1.06% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

95.41% of the inhabitants of Satevó are Catholic, 43.69% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.59% are employed. Additionally, 97.18% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.73% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Satevó?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Satevó and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Satevó? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Satevó through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Satevó. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Satevó. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Francisco Javier de Satevó.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Satevó

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Satevó:

Which is my place if I live in Satevó?

Agua Caliente (7 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente (6 inhabitants)
Aguaje el Toro (1 inhabitants)
Altamar (2 inhabitants)
Amapola de los Ojitos (- inhabitants)
Arroyo del Mimbre (2 inhabitants)
Babonoyaba (154 inhabitants)
Boca de León (2 inhabitants)
Boca del Río (62 inhabitants)
Calaveras (9)
Campo Frío (-)
Carmona (7)
Casa Colorada (-)
Cerro Blanco (1)
Cerro León (9)
Colonia Agrícola Calderones (1)
Corral de Santa Ana (-)
Cuatro Vientos (10)
Ejido Alamito (4)
El Último Esfuerzo (1)
El Aguaje (3)
El Manantial (3)
El Almagre (2)
El Carrizo (26)
El Chamizal (152)
El Chaparral (3)
El Conchito (2)
El Cordereño (1)
El Cristal (5)
El Durazno (11)
El Gramal (3)
El Jamoncillo (1)
Los Gavilanes (1)
El Mezquite (10)
El Milagro (3)
El Ojito (-)
El Padre (2)
El Palomar (20)
El Peñasco (1)
El Peral (4)
El Peral (-)
El Portilleño (1)
El Porvenir (Colonia Agrícola) (18)
El Ranchito (28)
El Ranchito (36)
El Refugio (3)
El Salto de Agua (-)
El Saucito (2)
El Saucito (-)
El Sitio (-)
El Taráis (Rancho Cerro Blanco) (4)
El Terrerito (1)
El Toro (3)
El Torreón (49)
El Tule (33)
El Tule de Abajo (44)
El Zancoso (3)
El Zoco (2)
El Zorrillo (2)
Guadalupe (Los Torunos) (1)
Hacienda Tres Hermanos (5)
José María Morelos (6)
La Boquilla (1)
La Boquilla (Colonia Calles) (43)
La Carreta (-)
La Cieneguilla (23)
La Cieneguilla (4)
La Cieneguita (1)
Mineral Plata Real Los Gatos (-)
La Esperanza (74)
La Garita (31)
La Guerrita (18)
La Herradura (1)
La Joya (212)
La Junta de los Ríos (-)
La Laborcita (10)
La Laborcita (6)
La Laja (7)
La Máquina (26)
La Mezcalera (1)
La Morita (-)
La Morita (3)
La Muralla (-)
La Natividad (4)
La Parrita (-)
La Playa (2)
La Quemada (-)
La Rinconada (2)
La Soledad (-)
La Soledad (1)
La Tierra Prieta (-)
La Vega (1)
La Zanja (Río San Pedro) (42)
Las Boquillas (57)
Las Brujas (8)
Las Mesas (-)
Los Alamitos (14)
Los Amoles (3)
Los Ancones (Ignacio Allende) (25)
Los Charcos (1)
Los Estados (-)
Los Llanitos (-)
Los Nogales (-)
Los Pinos (Los Ruiz) (8)
Los Portales (-)
Los Portales (4)
Los Sosa (4)
Los Tanques (-)
Los Veranos (84)
Marrujo (-)
Mendoceño (161)
Ojo de Agua (42)
Plutarco Elías Calles (El Faro) (32)
Rancho Balderrama (18)
La Sierrita (1)
Rancho de Mendoza (96)
Rancho de Peña (37)
La Virgen (3)
Ejido el Torreón (Rancho el Torreón) (83)
Rancho el Yeso (3)
Rancho Maromas (3)
Rancho Molina (17)
Rancho Nuevo (1)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Rancho Portillo (-)
Rancho Río San Pedro (8)
Rancho Rivero (21)
Rancho Salinas (27)
Rancho Serna (19)
Rancho Tres Hermanos (5)
Rancho Viejo (1)
Restaurante La Joya (1)
Restaurante Mankaren (3)
Ruiz de Ancones (15)
San Agustín de los Ciprés (8)
San Antonio de los Chacón (111)
San Francisco Javier de Satevó (421)
San Jorge (2)
San José de Hernández (154)
San José del Sitio (312)
San Juan (Colonia Calles) (25)
San Juan Bautista (29)
San Juan de la Veracruz (55)
San Juan de los Álamos (2)
San Nicolás de la Joya (Ejido) (6)
San Onofre (105)
San Rafael (18)
San Rafael (-)
Santa Cecilia (7)
Santa Gertrudis de los Ruices (40)
Santa María (-)
Santa Rita (1)
Santa Rosa (3)
Santiago (11)
SSS Naica (5)
Terraceño (6)
Torreón de Abajo (2)
Tortugas (-)
Ventanas (1)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Satevó:

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