Municipality of Chínipas

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Chínipas through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Chínipas de Almada, Milpillas, or Ignacio Valenzuela Lagarda (Loreto).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chihuahua by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Chínipas?

Chínipas is a Municipality of 8441 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chihuahua, with a fertility rate of 2.97 children per woman. 18.26% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chihuahua. 14.42% of the population is indigenous, 12.58% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 1.20% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.72% of the inhabitants of Chínipas are Catholic, 41.58% are economically active and, within this active population, 89.72% are employed. Additionally, 55.18% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.48% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Chínipas do most people live?

According to our statistics of Chínipas, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Chínipas? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Chínipas through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Chínipas. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Chínipas. As an example, you can find towns and places around Chínipas de Almada.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Chínipas

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Chínipas:

Which is my place if I live in Chínipas?

Agua Caliente (49 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente (1 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente de Gorogachi (2 inhabitants)
Agua Salada (46 inhabitants)
Agueyvo (16 inhabitants)
Arroyo de la Yerba (7 inhabitants)
Arroyo Hondo (6 inhabitants)
Arroyo Hondo (- inhabitants)
Babarocos (- inhabitants)
Bacusico (1)
Bajuba (-)
Barahueco (64)
Basigochi (23)
Benjamín M. Chaparro (Santa Ana) (156)
Boca de Arroyo (-)
Boriegachi (9)
Camino Ancho (47)
Canelas (11)
Canelichi (11)
Casa Colorada (11)
Casa Colorada (Mesa Colorada) (13)
Casas Nuevas (-)
Chaichaco (1)
Charco Prieto (13)
Charco Verde (-)
Chínipas de Almada (2057)
Chinajaque (-)
Ciénega de Urías (La Cieneguita) (5)
Ciénega Amarilla (2)
Cituchi (17)
Colonia Montenegro (San Antonio) (58)
Cordón de Enmedio (3)
Cuajarico (1)
Cusasicuchi (6)
Desechos (-)
El Aguaje (16)
El Aguajito (1)
El Arenoso (2)
El Caído (4)
El Cajón (5)
El Camuchín (-)
El Carrizal (22)
El Cusal (4)
El Duraznito (-)
El Duraznito (Rancho el Perro) (2)
El Durazno (El Duraznito) (9)
El Frijolar (-)
El Guamúchil (-)
El Guamúchil (-)
El Intestado (-)
El Jeco (-)
El Jordán (-)
El Limón (158)
El Limón (-)
El Limón (-)
El Limoncito (-)
El Llano Colorado (-)
El Majoy (40)
El Manzanillal (13)
El Muerto (1)
El Naranjo (-)
El Ojito (18)
El Pedregal (5)
El Porvenir (3)
El Potrero (4)
El Puerto Bajo (5)
El Refugio (-)
El Retanque (3)
El Rincón de Urías (-)
El Salitre (2)
El Saucillo (-)
El Saucito (-)
El Sauz (-)
El Sauz Mocho (-)
El Tarahumara (12)
El Táscate (1)
El Tepehuaje (-)
El Trigo de Russo (El Trigo) (34)
El Triguito (22)
El Triguito (73)
El Zapote (El Zapote de Chínipas) (1)
El Zapote de Rascón (4)
Encino Gordo (4)
Fumiagueda (2)
Gorojaqui (-)
Güisiego (-)
Gorogachi (20)
Goromeibo (5)
Goruyvo (-)
Guacharare (3)
Guadalupe (-)
Guadalupe Victoria (273)
Guamuchilito (-)
Guasachi (75)
Guazizaco (132)
Guerra al Tirano (La Vinata) (64)
Hacienda Vieja (La Hacienda) (-)
Huicochi (23)
Huicorichic (Huicorichi) (9)
Huisivo (6)
Ignacio Valenzuela Lagarda (Loreto) (532)
Jinaburachi (13)
Joropachi (1)
La Caña (-)
La Cañita (-)
La Calabaza (1)
La Ciénega (9)
La Cieneguita (La Cieneguita de Ochoa) (25)
La Cueva del Burro (3)
La Cumbre (42)
La Cumbre (-)
La Cumbre (4)
La Finca (3)
La Finca (La Higuera) (-)
La Justina (-)
La Lobera (-)
La Loma (5)
La Mesa Bonita (2)
La Mesa del Rosario (45)
La Misión de Guadalupe (61)
La Mojonera (3)
La Nopalera (2)
La Reforma (23)
La Turbina (El Barrio) (3)
La Vinata (15)
La Vinatería (1)
La Vinatita (4)
La Vinatita (24)
La Yerbabuena (-)
Las Borregas (-)
Las Chinacas (163)
Las Delicias (-)
Las Guásimas (19)
Las Palmas (3)
Las Palomas (2)
Las Tunas (43)
Los Alamillos (-)
Los Alamillos de Loreto (41)
Los Bajíos (4)
Los Bancos (-)
Los Bitachis (13)
Los Conejos (-)
Los Coscomates (4)
Los Desfiladeros (39)
Los Gachupines (4)
Los Gavilanes (2)
Los Hornos (-)
Los Jovinos (1)
Los Laureles (-)
Los Llanitos (115)
Los Llanitos (11)
Los Llanitos (29)
Los Llanos (-)
Los Pinos (7)
Los Plátanos (-)
Los Ranchitos (-)
Los Tres Chamelos (2)
Maclovia (6)
Mesa de Guasachi (-)
Mesa de Guazago (-)
Mesa de la Mula (-)
Mesa de Zamorano (54)
Mesa Pinosa (5)
Milpillas (533)
Mochagari (7)
Naranjitos (-)
Nopalera (3)
Ocoibo (-)
Orivo (40)
Palmarejo (197)
Pinos Altos (30)
Popuayvo (5)
Poriachi (-)
Rancho Quemado (-)
Rancho Quemado (-)
Salitrillo (38)
Salvio (9)
San Agustín (-)
San Antonio (29)
San José Huisivo (4)
San Juan de Dios (-)
San Pablo (2)
San Rafael de Orivo (6)
San Raymundo (17)
San Tiburcio (-)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Fe (1)
Santa Rita (-)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santa Rosa (6)
Satevó (-)
Saucillo de Breach (El Saucillo) (1)
Saucillo de los Lugo (46)
Saucillo de Quiñones (19)
Saucillo de Zamorano (-)
Tajirachi (-)
Taunas (2)
Tecorahui (19)
Terrero Prieto (-)
Terrero Tres (3)
Tierra Blanca (10)
Tisiripa (2)
Uriscuchi (-)
Vuelta del Cerro (4)
Yecaroma (67)
Yerba Buena (11)
Yoricarichi (2)
Zaguaripa (5)
Zapote del Cura (-)

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