Municipality of Villa Comaltitlán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Villa Comaltitlán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Villa Comaltitlán, Hidalgo, or Lázaro Cárdenas.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Villa Comaltitlán?

Villa Comaltitlán is a Municipality of 27899 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.91 children per woman. 2.09% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 1.18% of the population is indigenous, 0.70% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

44.80% of the inhabitants of Villa Comaltitlán are Catholic, 44.45% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.86% are employed. Additionally, 43.05% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.07% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Villa Comaltitlán?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Villa Comaltitlán and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Villa Comaltitlán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Villa Comaltitlán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Villa Comaltitlán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Villa Comaltitlán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villa Comaltitlán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Villa Comaltitlán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Villa Comaltitlán:

Which is my place if I live in Villa Comaltitlán?

13 de Abril (3 inhabitants)
15 de Enero (130 inhabitants)
23 de Enero (212 inhabitants)
Adolfo Ruíz Cortinez (50 inhabitants)
Agua Fría (66 inhabitants)
Altamira Uno (289 inhabitants)
Barrio Nuevo (Guardianía) (334 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (50 inhabitants)
Betania (5 inhabitants)
Buenavista (285)
Buenavista (-)
Buenavista (35)
California (15)
California (2)
Cantón Chalaca (37)
Cantón el Porvenir (164)
Cantón el Progreso (604)
Cantón Ignacio Zaragoza (164)
Cantón Ignacio Zaragoza II (103)
Cantón las Brisas (648)
Cantón los Tocayos (265)
Cantón Santa Cruz la Unión (902)
Bruno Gómez (Acacia) (157)
Cantón San Nicolás (32)
Córcega (2)
Chapingo (102)
Cinco de Marzo (Santa Rosa) (106)
Guadalupe (4)
La Lima (-)
Doctor Francisco Rellero (Nuevo Milenio) (305)
Dos Arbolitos (13)
El Arroyón (29)
El Campamento (59)
El Recreo (-)
El Chorro (-)
El Ciprés (1)
El Corralito (-)
El Escobo (453)
El Escobo (-)
El Huapinol (75)
El Jardín (-)
El Jícaro (-)
El Manantial (-)
El Mulatal (119)
El Naranjo (3)
El Paraíso (-)
El Potrerillo (48)
El Primor (9)
El Recuerdo (118)
El Recuerdo (-)
El Refugio (1)
El Cimbra (8)
Nueva Ampliación las Brisas (273)
El Trébol (34)
El Cayuco (18)
Emiliano Zapata (Los Cocos) (525)
Fracción la Unidad Número Dos (166)
Fracción la Unidad Número Uno (Piedra Blanca) (148)
Grano de Oro (-)
Guadalupe (2)
Guapinol (-)
Hidalgo (1824)
La Chinita (-)
La Esmeralda (2)
La Esperancita (91)
La Esperanza (-)
La Flor Lote Dos (79)
La Flor Lote Uno (162)
La Fortuna (3)
La Fortuna (1)
La Granja (-)
Libertad (310)
Palma Técnica (5)
La Loma (9)
Bugambilias (4)
Santa Rosa (11)
La Soledad (2)
La Soledad (30)
La Unión (93)
La Victoria (6)
Las Amapolas (1)
Las Calandrias (42)
Las Conchitas (-)
La Flor (5)
Las Lluvias (8)
Las Marías (-)
Las Murallas (152)
La Negrita (3)
Las Palomas (20)
Lázaro Cárdenas (1590)
Lindavista (15)
Los Ángeles (6)
Los Carlos (3)
Los Cerritos (40)
Los Girasoles (-)
Los Laureles (3)
San Francisco los Laureles (13)
Don Olivio (Los Martínez) (8)
El Recuerdo (-)
Paxtal (192)
Manuel Ávila Camacho (481)
Maragato (1)
Marandú (4)
Marcos López Hernández (146)
Medio Camino (144)
Miguel Hidalgo (84)
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (Santo Domingo Dos) (155)
Monte Flor Abajo (312)
Monte Flor Arriba (513)
Monte Florido (68)
Nuevo Brasil (532)
Francisco Villa (10)
Nuevo Horizonte (55)
Nuevo Zapote Mocho (63)
Piedra Partida (-)
Poblado Xochicalco (487)
Providencia (361)
Quince de Junio (14)
Rancho Nancinapa (6)
Rancho Nuevo (2)
Rancho Viejo (5)
Río Arriba Salvación (437)
Santa Army (2)
Saltillito (162)
San Antonio (2)
San Francisco (-)
San Francisco (-)
San Isidro (4)
San Jorge (4)
San José (81)
San José (1)
San Martín (24)
San Miguel (76)
San Miguel (-)
San Nicolás las Morenas (11)
San Nicolás (6)
San Pablo (17)
San Pedro (3)
San Pedro (1)
Santa Elena (3)
Santa Elena (Teziutlán) (57)
Santa Elena (6)
Santa Julia (-)
Santa Herlinda (1)
Santa Martha (187)
Santa Rosa (4)
Santa Sofía (-)
Santander (Buenos Aires) (4)
Santo Domingo Uno (209)
Seis Hermanos (-)
7 Piedras (204)
Teziutlán (639)
Tres Hermanas (2)
Unión Costa Rica (333)
Unión Hermosillo (381)
San Carlos (1183)
Valle Verde (-)
Vicente Guerrero (808)
Villa Comaltitlán (8222)
San José (12)
Vista Hermosa (4)
Vista Hermosa (42)
Xochicalco (338)
Zacualpa (1111)
Zapaluta (293)
Zapote Mocho (74)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Villa Comaltitlán:

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