Municipality of Suchiate

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Suchiate through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Ciudad Hidalgo, La Libertad, or Ignacio López Rayón.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Suchiate?

Suchiate is a Municipality of 35056 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.58 children per woman. 2.57% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 0.55% of the population is indigenous, 0.26% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

39.49% of the inhabitants of Suchiate are Catholic, 47.96% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.02% are employed. Additionally, 49.54% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.46% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Suchiate do most people live?

According to our statistics of Suchiate, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Suchiate? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Suchiate through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Suchiate. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Suchiate. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ciudad Hidalgo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Suchiate

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Suchiate:

Which is my place if I live in Suchiate?

10 de Abril (87 inhabitants)
15 de Septiembre (364 inhabitants)
20 de Noviembre (528 inhabitants)
3 de Mayo (9 inhabitants)
7 Hermanos (4 inhabitants)
Santo Tomás (Aeródromo) (- inhabitants)
Alfredo V. Bonfil (45 inhabitants)
Altamira (15 inhabitants)
Mariana (El Chorizo) (- inhabitants)
Barra de Cahoacán (-)
Barra de Cahoacán (El Chical) (871)
Rancho Barsol (8)
Bellavista (92)
Benito Juárez (11)
Benito Juárez (Cosalapa) (947)
Brisas del Mar (444)
Brisas del Mar (1)
Brisas del Suchiate (79)
Cesalmiro Reyna Hernández (68)
Chaparral (292)
Chapingo (18)
Ciudad Hidalgo (17485)
Cosalapa Río Tabasco (5)
Cuauhtémoc (1078)
Cuauhtémoc Cervantes (204)
Doble H (2)
Don Ramón (-)
Nuevo Dorado (886)
Dorado Viejo Fracción I (370)
Dorado Viejo Fracción II (396)
Durango (-)
Empacadora Vieja (12)
Ejido Suchiate (Fracción la Pita) (491)
El Cahua (-)
El Campito (727)
Mazariegos (12)
El Desafío (4)
El Cascabel (-)
El Centauro (13)
El Centenario (5)
El Chaneque (29)
El Chaparral (2)
El Charly (-)
El Conde (5)
El Cuatete (23)
El Desengaño (9)
El Encuentro (4)
El Estribo (-)
El Gancho (893)
El Garabato (9)
El Guayacán (-)
El Herradero (-)
El Milagro (36)
El Milagro (-)
El Mirador (-)
El Palmar (-)
El Palmarón (5)
El Paraíso (1)
El Parralito (7)
El Pelón (33)
Marlene (El Pichi) (2)
El Portón (5)
El Problema (-)
El Ranchito (3)
Bataan (6)
El Rosario V (114)
Rosiel (-)
El Sacrificio (2)
El Sajío (163)
El Silencio (-)
San Joaquín (-)
El Tesoro (6)
El Triunfo (-)
El Trocadero (-)
El Vigor (-)
Emiliano Zapata (216)
Esmeralda Dos (5)
Ethel (6)
Fracción San Vicente (-)
Génova (5)
General Manuel Ávila Camacho (391)
Gibraltar (3)
Ignacio López Rayón (1691)
Jerusalén (11)
Jesús (705)
Jorge Grajales (3)
Santa Sofía (3)
La Bolsa (3)
La Cuchilla (21)
La Dominica (-)
La Escondida (2)
La Esmeralda (6)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (4)
Doble RR (23)
La Herradura (-)
La Isla (16)
La Libertad (5096)
El Paraíso (1ra. Ampliación de la Libertad) (91)
La Libertad Dos (44)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
La Primavera (-)
La Primavera (23)
La Trinidad (Cosalapa) (7)
La Unión (-)
La Unión (-)
Las Anonas (4)
Las Águilas (-)
Las Águilas Norteñas (6)
Las Flores 2 (5)
Las Flores (-)
Las Flores Dos (-)
Las Flores Uno (Don Herminio) (5)
Las Fuentes (25)
Las Garzas (-)
Las Josefinas (2)
Las Moras (7)
Las Muñecas (-)
Las Palmas (6)
Loma Bonita (4)
Lorelay (-)
Los Amigos (5)
Los Cerritos (-)
Los Coquitos (2)
Los Fideles (-)
Los López (107)
Los Leones (-)
Los Limones (1)
Los Potrillos (12)
Rancho Bonito (8)
Los Reyes (277)
Los Tirado (65)
Lucio Cabañas (158)
Manuel Velasco Coello (280)
Mari Gabriela (-)
Don Rolando (Maroma) (-)
Miguel Alemán (984)
Montecristo (6)
Nueva Colombia (-)
Nueva Independencia (236)
Oscar Salinas Morga (53)
Palmeras (-)
Pico de Oro (8)
Pino Suárez (326)
Pino Suárez (131)
Puerta Dorada (15)
Quince de Abril (756)
Rancho Montenegro (2)
Salitral (Benito Juárez) (11)
San Ángel (San Antonio) (-)
San Antonio (7)
San Carlos (8)
San Carlos (El Aguacate) (2)
San Enrique (2)
San Francisco (10)
San Francisco (11)
San Isidro (-)
San Jorge (6)
San José Morelia (-)
Tres Hermanos 1ra. Sección (39)
San Julián (4)
San Martín de Porres (4)
San Miguel (-)
San Miguel (8)
San Rafael (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Elena (4)
Santa Elena (1)
Santa Isabel (1)
Santa Lidia (-)
Santa Lucía (-)
Santa Lucrecia (-)
Santa Martha (4)
Santa Mónica (14)
Santa Teresa (2)
Santa Yolanda (1)
Seis Hermanos (5)
Simón Bolívar (91)
Simeón Álvarez Solares [Simeón Álvarez Solares (4)
Suchiate (1470)
Terranova (7)
Tezoatlán (7)
Tierra Brava (-)
Tierra y Libertad (670)
Tierra y Libertad (150)
Tres Hermanos (160)
Tres Hermanos (-)
Tres Hermanos San Isidro (163)
Wendy (5)
Yunnuen (El Jab) (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Suchiate:

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