Municipality of Chenalhó

All the data of the municipality of Chenalhó, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Chenalhó, Tzeltal, or Belisario Domínguez.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Chiapas.

Which is my place if I live in Chenalhó?

Chenalhó is a Municipality of 36111 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.74 children per woman. 0.07% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 98.09% of the population is indigenous, 98.58% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 62.68% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

33.59% of the inhabitants of Chenalhó are Catholic, 48.71% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.89% are employed. Additionally, 66.52% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.25% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Chenalhó?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Chenalhó and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Chenalhó? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Chenalhó through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Chenalhó. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Chenalhó. As an example, you can find towns and places around Chenalhó.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Chenalhó

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Chenalhó:

Which is my place if I live in Chenalhó?

Acteal (283 inhabitants)
Acteal Alto (257 inhabitants)
Agua Viva (329 inhabitants)
Ajtic (154 inhabitants)
Anexo Agua Viva (31 inhabitants)
Ángel Laguna (252 inhabitants)
Ángeles la Libertad (146 inhabitants)
Atzamilho (472 inhabitants)
Bachén de Poconichim (193 inhabitants)
Bachén de Yaxgemel (119)
Bachen (314)
Bajolchén (76)
Bajoveltic (491)
Bajxulum (537)
Balumtun (4)
Barrio Esquipulas (989)
Belisario Domínguez (1636)
Benito Juárez (187)
Beumpale (449)
Buenavista (48)
Campo los Toros (479)
Canolal (402)
Canvinic (153)
Caridad San Antonio (724)
Carmelita Atzam (89)
Centro Questhic (171)
Centro Santa Martha (104)
Cha'Cojton (115)
Chen Hoc (243)
Chenalhó (4369)
Chimix Dos (186)
Chimix Primera (254)
Chimix Quinta (-)
Chimix Tres (203)
Chimtic (495)
Chixiltón (625)
Chojolhó (158)
Chuchtic (293)
Cruztón (505)
El Tzac (67)
Fracción 4ta. Chimix (210)
Fracción Canolal (287)
Fracción Polhó (364)
Fracción San Pedro (264)
Fracción Xinichilvo (108)
Guadalupe Yaxgemel (99)
Guayabal (664)
Ik'Alte'Il (209)
Ikalum (128)
Jamuvil (71)
Javaltón (357)
Joltojtic (278)
Jolxic (432)
Juan Diego X'Oyep (138)
K'Anteal (47)
Kaket Ixim (97)
Kakumchich (92)
Kexalhukum (472)
Konlumtic (160)
La Esperanza (601)
La Libertad (450)
La Merced (182)
La Mesa (9)
Las Delicias (400)
Las Limas (445)
Las Palmas (79)
Lindavista (327)
Loom (142)
Los Ranchos (114)
Macushtetic (145)
Majomut (292)
Majumchón (160)
Majumchón 2da. Fracción (136)
Majonpepentik (337)
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (29)
Miguel Utrilla (Los Chorros) (1237)
Monte Bonito (106)
Naranjatic Alto (363)
Naranjatic Bajo (474)
Natividad (514)
Nijoj (99)
Nueva Esperanza (164)
Nuevo Canolal (125)
Nuevo la Libertad (196)
Nuevo Yaxalumil (137)
Centro Nuevo Yibeljoj (612)
Oximbo (147)
Pajaltoj (173)
Patcruz (245)
Payamchit (123)
Pechiquil (687)
Poblado Torostic (72)
Poconichim (467)
Polhó (2176)
Primera Fracción Belisario Domínguez (215)
Primera Fracción Canolal (250)
Primera Fracción Naranjatic Bajo (171)
Primera Fracción Tzanembolom (210)
Puebla (1384)
Queshtic (151)
Rio Jordán (415)
Sac Lum (283)
Sacchén (88)
Sakmesantojtik (184)
San Francisco (280)
San José de las Minas (3)
San José Majomut (168)
Manuel Utrilla Santa Martha (178)
Santo Ch'En (254)
Santo Ton (3)
Segunda Fracción Takiukum (215)
Shunuch (360)
Slumka (105)
Stenlejtic (144)
Takiukum Primera Fracción (228)
Tanate (245)
Tepeyac (242)
Tercera Fracción Canolal (67)
Tichén (77)
San Pedro (137)
Titojtic (271)
Torostic (191)
Tzabalhó (825)
Tzajal Uk'Um Alto (185)
Tzajalchén (309)
Tzajalhucum (212)
Tzanembolom (152)
Tzeltal (848)
Vayúm Vakaxtik (166)
Vistahermosa Questhic (-)
Xcumunal (3)
Xinichilvo (274)
Xokil-Uk'Um (68)
Xolomtoj (147)
Yabteclum (Pueblo Viejo) (768)
Yabteclum Fracción Dos (1101)
Yabteclum Fracción Tres (239)
Yabteclum Fracción Uno (607)
Yaxalumil (201)
Yaxgemel Unión (590)
Yibel Osil (106)
Yibeljoj (278)
Yochom (38)
Yocventana (449)
Yolonchén (115)
Yolontzuy (16)
Yut-Uk'Um (111)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Chenalhó:

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