Municipality of Hopelchén

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Hopelchén through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Hopelchén, Bolonchén de Rejón, or Vicente Guerrero (Iturbide).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Campeche by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Hopelchén?

Hopelchén is a Municipality of 37777 inhabitants, placed in the State of Campeche, with a fertility rate of 2.81 children per woman. 12.80% of the population migrated from outside the State of Campeche. 70.93% of the population is indigenous, 46.85% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 1.55% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

57.05% of the inhabitants of Hopelchén are Catholic, 46.22% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.66% are employed. Additionally, 89.67% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.29% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Hopelchén do most people live?

According to our statistics of Hopelchén, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Hopelchén? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Hopelchén through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Hopelchén. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Hopelchén. As an example, you can find towns and places around Hopelchén.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Hopelchén

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Hopelchén:

Which is my place if I live in Hopelchén?

Barco-Haltún (Dos Cruces) (1 inhabitants)
Xbilincoc (52 inhabitants)
Bolonchén de Rejón (4234 inhabitants)
Campo 1A (5 inhabitants)
Santa Fe Dos (117 inhabitants)
Campo Menonita Número Catorce (76 inhabitants)
Campo Menonita Número Dieciséis (42 inhabitants)
Campo Menonita Número Quince (188 inhabitants)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Cinco (143 inhabitants)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Cuatro (228)
Campo Menonita Número Diecisiete (72)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Diez (121)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Doce (128)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Dos (153)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Nueve (166)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Ocho (153)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Once (132)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Seis (167)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Siete (262)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Tres (121)
Nuevo Progreso Campo Uno (167)
Campo Menonita Santa Rosa (229)
Cancabchén (647)
Chayil (1)
Champico (-)
Chan-Chen (323)
Chencoh (509)
Chun-Ek (203)
Chuncedro (5)
Chunchintok (1076)
Chunhuaymil (-)
Chunyaxnic (357)
Quebradora Comac Construcciones (2)
Crucero San Luis (671)
Deshuesadero Yonke los Chenes (7)
Diego Maldonado (2)
Dzibalchén (2387)
El Ausente (2)
El Ausente Dos (3)
El Caracol (-)
El Edén (3)
El Palomar Dos (-)
El Palomar Tres (-)
El Palomar Uno (-)
El Paraíso (140)
El Pedregal (66)
El Pinzán (1)
El Poste (278)
El Tamarindo (-)
El Temporal Campo 5 (227)
El Temporal Cuatro (124)
El Temporal Campo 2 (138)
El Temporal Ocho (62)
El Temporal Siete (130)
El Temporal Campo 3 (176)
El Temporal Campo 1 (148)
El Tigre (-)
El Xuch (1)
Empresa Longoria (1)
Francisco J. Mújica (Los Ucán) (32)
Halchankán (2)
Hopelchén (8048)
Ich-Ek (1008)
Jal (-)
Jalal (-)
Katab (455)
Komchén (645)
La Chatarrera (3)
La Chingada (3)
La Estrella (25)
La Fogata de Zapata (4)
La Gloria (4)
La Guadalupe (2)
La Herradura (2)
La Nueva Trinidad Campo 6 (5)
La Nueva Trinidad Campo 2 (123)
La Nueva Trinidad Campo 3 (162)
La Nueva Trinidad Campo 1 (124)
La Olla (-)
La Paz (-)
La Selva (15)
Lara (-)
Las Flores Cinco (78)
Las Flores Cuatro (57)
Las Flores Dos (55)
Las Flores Seis (26)
Las Flores Siete (48)
Las Flores Tres (32)
Las Flores Uno (90)
Las Maravillas (5)
Las Palmas (1)
Las Palmas 8 (34)
Las Palmas Cinco (18)
Las Palmas Dos (25)
Las Palmas Seis (6)
Las Palmas Siete (32)
Las Palmas Tres (46)
Las Palmas Uno (58)
Los Gemelos (1)
Los Laureles (-)
Los Reyes (-)
Los Venaditos (2)
Montecristo (-)
Noh-Há (4)
Nueva Trinidad Cuatro (72)
Nueva Trinidad Cinco (95)
Nuevo Chan Yaxché (6)
Nuevo Durango Campo 5 (183)
Nuevo Durango Campo 4 (230)
Nuevo Durango Campo 2 (145)
Nuevo Durango Nueve (63)
Nuevo Durango Ocho (71)
Nuevo Durango Campo 6 (182)
Nuevo Durango Siete (107)
Nuevo Durango Campo 3 (243)
Nuevo Durango Campo 1 (162)
Nuevo Jalal (-)
Nuevo Recreo (-)
Pachuitz (275)
Pakchén (277)
Palmas Cuatro (115)
Ramón Corona (182)
Rancho Agrícola [Rancho Agrícola (5)
Rancho Chico (-)
Rancho Sosa (3)
Los Colorados (-)
Salomé (8)
San Antonio Yaxché (583)
San Antonio Yaxhá (-)
San Bernardo Huechil (12)
San Carlos (-)
San Feliciano (5)
Suc-Tuc (1432)
San Isidro (1)
San Isidro (1)
San Jorge (-)
San José Dos (-)
San José (8)
San Juan Bautista Sahcabchén (416)
San Judas Tadeo (6)
Santa Cruz (Entre Hermanos) (-)
Santa Elvira (1)
Santa Fe Uno (162)
Becanchén (1113)
Tabasco 2000 (-)
Temporal Seis (123)
Ucuchil Ex-Hacienda (5)
Ukum (2244)
Vicente Guerrero (3570)
X-Canhá (476)
X-Panzil (1)
Xcalot Akal (182)
Xcanahaltún Huechil Unidos (139)
Xculoc (472)
Xcupil (802)
Xkix (-)
Xmabén (1366)
Xmejía (511)
Yakatel (-)
Yalic (-)
Yaxché Akal (147)
Yum Kax (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Hopelchén:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Campeche